Chapter 5

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I hope you all enjoy this next part! Thanks once again for hanging in there with my lack of updates. You my readers, are simply the best!

Light groaned and stretched as he awoke. He sat up, scratching his head.
He caught a look at his hair, which was brown. Light was happily shocked. Could he possibly be back in his regular body. He frantically looked for L, who was in fact in his body, slouching at the foot of the bed, staring at a laptop screen.

"Good Morning, Light-Kun. I see you have probably realized we're back to normal in our own bodies."

Light nodded." I see that Ryuuzaki."

Light shook his head. He was so happy things were back to normal. Of course things would never be back to normal with these strange feelings toward L surfacing. However, they at least we're back in the right body.

Light stood up, the chain that once again connected the two shining in the light. Light checked the clock. It was 8:00 AM.

The brown headed boy looked at L.

"Isn't time to go downstairs to work on the Kira case Ryuuzaki?"

L didn't take his eyes off his bright computer screen.

"Have no worries. I am 100% sure things will be okay. Earlier in the day, I informed those downstairs we would be working up here today, and would not require there assistance. Therefore, none of the Task Force employees are here today."

Light was stunned. When did L of ALL people not want as much work as possible being done?!? Light could never imagine L would allow for off days!

Light stared at the raven haired detective. L noticed Light staring at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Is there something wrong Light-Kun?"

Light chuckled. "I'm just confused Ryuuzaki. When did you start allowing for off days? That does not sound like you at all."

L slowly shut the laptop he was working on and stood up. Light was confused as L took the computer and sat it on the desk that was across the room. He stood there, his back turned on Light with his hands in his pockets.

Light knew he was thinking. Knew he had his thumb stuck in his mouth with that blank expression that held so much in it. That was L.

Light was getting nervous as the silence dragged on. What was wrong? L never acted like this! Did he know something?!

Getting even more nervous, Light finally broke the silence.

"L.... What's wrong?"

L turned around, an expression on his face Light had never seen before. He wore a sad smile. The type you would wear when you were trying to be strong through something that threw you for a loop and left you confused.

"Light Yagami.... I started giving off days when I figured out who Kira really was."

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