Chapter 4

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The others in the office surprisingly carried on as usual. It seemed L and Light had played perfectly as each other. Light knew this was no more than another game for he and L to play to see who was the best.

Light slouched at L's computer, and acted as L did. He bit his thumb, and held his toes over the edge of the chair. He was surprised to realize the position the detective normally sat in actually didn't hurt or feel that bad. It felt odd, but that was just L. Odd was a perfect word to describe him in Light's mind.

Light had had his doubts about how well the socially awkward detective could play his role. Every doubt he had went out the window as he watched the weird detective imitate him perfectly. From the way he stood, to the way he sat straight at his desk, drumming his fingers on his desk.

Light was shocked at how well L knew him. Until this catastrophe had occurred he hadn't really paid attention to the little things. But apparently L had. And now L knew his deepest secret.
That Light was Kira.
That he was the killer.
L knew that, and hadn't uttered a word about it.

Light shuddered. Knowing L, he would wait for the perfect time to reveal what he knew. Just to try to psyche Light out.

"Hey, Ryuzaki?" Light was snapped out of his thoughts.

Matsuda was standing before him, skeptically scanning a paper.

"I thought you might want to take a look at this! I believe we found new leads on the Kira case!"

Light blinked, and took the paper from Matsuda's hands. He held it out as if it was contaminated like L normally did and scanned the words.

Light felt his heart beat faster. Had Misa somehow done something to get noticed or caught?!?! That idiot!
Light scanned his eyes over the article. Nothing new. Just a bunch of crap about someone claiming they were Kira and turning themselves in. How foolish! This is why the world needs cleaning up!

Light blinked, chewed his thumb, and handed the paper back to Matsuda.
"Thank you for showing me that Matsuda- Kun, but that will not help the case any. That man is a fake Kira. The killings are still continuing, are they not?"

Matsuda sighed. "Yes Ryuzaki they are." The young detective sighed and lamely walked back to his desk.

Light took his time to steal a glance at L, who was just staring at him with an amused face. Light felt anger well up inside him. L knows I'm winning this game!! What could possibly be so amusing?! I'm doing everything I can to be like him! I'm like an expert on everything L! I know him like the back of my hand!
Light blinked and turned back around, slouching over even more. Where on earth were his thoughts going just then?!? He didn't know L! How could he?!

But he did. He still couldn't believe the sad memories L had in his head. That he'd been through. Maybe someone who had a past like that deserves to live out the rest of their days........

Wait! Why am I thinking this way! He's L for crying out loud! Kira's greatest enemy!
Light blinked. I disgust myself.

He could not take it anymore. Light had to get away. Away from everyone. Somehow away from his thoughts. Dare he say his feelings?? Maybe he could get away from L. However he highly doubted that. He knew as soon as L said that the day's work could end, he chained himself back up to Light with that quirky smile.

Then it hit Light. Since he was in L's body, he would be the one to decide when work ended. He could give L the quirky smile today.

Light swiveled around his chair, and hoped up into L's slouch. Some of the team looked at him curiously. Even L turned a bit to stare at him through Light's eyes.

"We can end our work for today. I know it is quite early, but I will allow you all to have a bit of a break today, so please enjoy this. I have a few new leads me and Light-Kun will discuss once alone."
It felt weird to refer to someone else as "Light".

Matsuda jumped out of his chair."Thank you Ryuzaki!" The young man dashed out of the room happily. Light walked over to L with the handcuffs in hand.

He smiled one of L's smart aleck smiles." Well Light-Kun, let's go."
L put his arm up to Light's and let him fasten the cuff around his wrist. He said nothing but,"Good night Dad, I love you." to Light's dad and followed Light down the hall.

Light couldn't believe he heard L say the word 'love' even if it was not true.
He didn't think L could love. I mean, with that kind of past no wonder he's so emotionless... And with the work he has to do.. That's a lot of pressure.
Maybe I could teach L how to love.....

Light felt his face burn and stomach churn at the thought. What the hell was wrong with him?!?!?
Light shivered and pressed the elevator button, going inside with  L on his heels.

When they began their ascent, L looked at Light. "Good job today Light-Kun. You done a better job than I expected you today of being me." Light nodded. "Thank you, Ryuzaki. You did well too."

L nodded "Of course. I just have one question Light."

Light felt his heart stop. It was about him being Kira. He just knew it.

"Yes Ryuzaki?"
" Why is your face so red? Are you feeling ill? You seemed fine in the office."

Light's heart beat faster. Of course L would notice that! The most awkward thing EVER! "Uhh, no reason. Just hit in here a bit."

"It isn't hot. The temperature feels fine."

Light turned away from the prying detective. "Nothing's wrong L. Don't worry about it."

Light thought the elevator ding and the door opening would save him. He was wrong.

Light exited, but L grabbed his arm so he couldn't walk any farther.

"What is it Ryuzaki??" He asked, frowning.

L blinked and poked Light's nose. "Can a friend not inquire you of your well-being?"

Light's face heated up again and he pulled himself out of L'a grasp.

"I'm fine L. Don't worry."

"Did I see your face turn red again Light-Kun? Maybe somehow I can figure out what is triggering this illness of yours." Light looked at L, and it shocked him to see L's perfectly weird smile plastered across "his" face.

"You are an illness." Light mumbled inaudible before leading the way to his and the detectives room.

Switched (Death Note L x Light)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin