Chapter 3 | L meets people

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It was a rather interesting morning so far. Turns out telling L to wake up at 8, meant he would wake YOU up at 8 too. Exactly 8, on the dot. So you woke up to L looking down at you and poking your cheek. You were hoping to sleep in a little, but he was insistent on following your instructions of waking up at 8. Guess if you want to sleep in you have to be a bit more specific.

Then you taught him how to pack up the futon, and when you made breakfast he asked a million questions about what it was. He ended up processing breakfast as 'morning food' and cereal as 'crunchy milk soup'. Well... he was getting there.

Next you dug around in your wardrobe for something that would fit him so you could go out and get him some proper clothes. His outfit wasn't that coordinated, as the only thing of yours that fit him was the shirt you'd first put him in and some lounge shorts. You opted to put him in some slip on shoes as well, so his feet wouldn't be damaged. They didn't fit very well though, so you added shoes to the list of stuff you had to get for him.

You'd admit you were a bit nervous about taking him out, he still barely knew anything and you were worried he'd wander off and get lost, or accidentally break something and get in trouble.

"Ok, L you hold my hand and follow me ok? No wandering off" you said, holding out a hand for him.

"L hold hand" he replied, taking your hand in his.

"Good boy, now stay with me ok? We're going to go shopping"

Beginning to walk with him out the apartment complex, he immediately began to scan and log his surroundings, remembering things like your address and street signs.

"What shopping?" He asked.

"When you buy things with money to keep. We're going to get you some proper clothes" you replied.


That familiar electronic whirl came from his insides, documenting what he'd just learnt.

"Shopping!" He said.

"That right, remember that ok?" You replied.


Man, whoever made him must have been super into cute things. Because he was so adorable, whoever provided recordings for his voice must be an Angel in disguise because he had the sweetest tone. Deep, smooth and calming.

Wandering down the streets on the way to the shopping strip, you were starting to think you should have bought a list, because you didn't want to forget anything. There was a lot you needed to get, you didn't expect owning a Persacom to be so expensive...

"Ok... clothes, shoes, underwear... can't forget underwear. Uh... socks... chords... maybe some USBs for extra information storage..." you muttered.

L processed your words, remembering them for later unbeknownst to you. He was processing everything around him, making sure to stay holding your hand like you'd instructed. He remembered the streets you walked down, all the buildings you passes, anything that had writing on it, he read. If he ever got lost he could probably find his way back by accessing data on the street signs and remembering what way he came.

"Oh wow! What a detailed persacom!"

You and L stopped in your tracks, a passer by catching your attention.

A girl with blonde hair and pigtails all decked out in black. She carried bags as he'd just been shopping, and had noticed your persacom walking with you.

"Oh! Yeah, he's a custom I think. I've never seen one so detailed before" you replied.

"Wow look at the eyebags, they make him look so real!" She replied, taking a closer look at L.

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