Chapter 4 | L runs an errand

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A/n: here's another persacom!L doodle I made based on some Chii art.

L had been learning well, he'd already gotten into the daily routine of getting up, getting changed and waiting for you to finish breakfast before going on with the day

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L had been learning well, he'd already gotten into the daily routine of getting up, getting changed and waiting for you to finish breakfast before going on with the day. As well as carrying out the night routine you'd taught him to a T.

After getting him some clothes that actually fit him, he was rather fond of picking out things easy to put on like loose jeans and plain shirts.

He'd been learning so well in fact, you decided it was time he went out by himself today. Starting easy, you decided to send him out to get some cereal from the nearest shop. You handed him the money, told him to keep it safe and sent him on his way. You'd admit you were a little worried, he wasn't exactly completely socially aware yet. But he needed to learn, and if other people could sent out their persacoms with no problems then surely L would be able to get used to it eventually.

With an image of the cereal you'd asked for in his data, he held onto the coin purse you'd given him with both hands, keeping it tight in his grip. He remembered were to go from the last time you took him out, and his built in GPS would take him right there.

The streets weren't too busy today, as it was the middle of the week and most people were at school or work. In fact there were more than a few persacoms out running errands for their owners too.

He turned into the shopping strip, and located the grocery store at the end of the street. Heading toward it, he had one goal in mind. Get the cereal and give it to you. As he walked down the street, holding onto his coin purse tightly he felt something bump into him, and he almost lost is balance.

"Oh sorry! Oh... a persacom" a voice said.

He stood up straight (well, a bit slouched) again, and was met with an older man carrying some shopping bags. He remembered what you'd taught him to do when accidentally bumping into someone, and bowed slightly.

"Sorry!" He said.

"That's alright, I should have been looking were I was going too" the man replied.

"(Y/n) says I have to say sorry when I make a mistake. Did I do right?" L asked.

"Yes you did, and... (y/n)? (Y/n) (l/n)?"

This man knew you? How did L not know him if he knew you?

"Yes, (y/n) is my owner" L replied.

"Oh so you're the new persacom I've heard about. I own the apartment building you two live in, I'm glad to see they're managing to work their new persacom so quickly" the man said.

"(Y/n) is teaching L lots of things so L can be a good helper!"

"L huh... interesting. Well I'm sure you'll be a great helper, I'll let you go do the shopping for them ok? And when you get back home tell (y/n) Mr Watari says hello"

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