Chapter 1

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Kirishima's pov

The league members and I teleported into UA setting off the villain alarm. We only need a few files, just so we know what we are dealing with, that's all! No harm, really!

 I know it seems stupid to just teleport on in and set off the alarm but this way the teachers and students will be stuck in their classrooms, that is the protocol at least.

I was hoping so see some students, maybe an unlucky one who used the bathroom at the wrong time, much to my disappointment, there were none to be seen.

Not long after the alarm went off a few minor heroes cornered us, they must have been in the area. The others pushed me forward not wanting to deal with them. I didn't really mind though, we all have to do our part in order for this to work.

I handled the heroes with ease, as I mentioned before they were just minor heroes anyway and I am pretty sure I have had more training than they have. I mean, I have been doing shit like this since I was... about 13, I think?

Shigaraki took his time getting the files but he came back maybe less than half an hour later, unfortunately that was enough time for Endeavor and Hawks to come. But we had what we needed which means we could leave...  the others seemed to have other plans though. I curse internally as I flinch as Shigaraki puts his hand on my shoulder, his pinky hovering over so he doesn't disintegrate me, he leans in close by my ear and whispers "Don't disappoint us."

What does he mean by that?

They teleport away leaving me with the two strongest heroes. They must have a plan though.. I just have to do my part. If this is what must be done then I will do it.

I turned towards them aware of my chances. This is going to hurt tomorrow. Hawks flew up to get the better height advantage and maneuverability, this did not work in his favor like he thought it would. I threw knives up at him smirking as they dig into his wings.


Endeavor blasted a wall of flames at me, I barely dogged in time, he did burn off some skin on my arm but it was better than getting a face full of fire. I bite back a scream. I'm not giving them that satisfaction. One of Hawks's feathers flew past me leaving a nasty graze on my forehead.  I recklessly charge at Endeavor head on but at the last minute I swerve at an attempt to stab him in the side, he sees what I am trying to do and fires a ball of flame at my leg leaving a bunch of burns in its wake. I stumble back in unimaginable pain. Hawks tries to pin me down. They won't let up! At least they aren't completely working together, otherwise I would already be dead.

I fight back stabbing his leg. This backfires, his leg gives out and he collapses on top of me, I give him a headbutt as an attempt to get him off me, he is to out of it to actually get up on his own, I roll him off me as I stand up pulling out another one of my knives. I have lots of knives on me at all times but they sure do come in handy, as you can see. Everything is so blurry... colors are blending together into a gray mess, so I just stab at the air in front of me hoping to hit someone. I got lucky, I sink the knife into what I assume is Hawks's arm. 

"Not cool man!" shouts Hawks a twinge of pain noticeable in his voice, confirming that it was him I stabbed.

he fights back and and somehow ends up stabbing me on accident, I fall down in pain. The world keeps spinning, that isn't normal. I am unable to feel anything but excruciating pain. I refuse to just give up though! I look down to assess the damage. Then I look up to see Hawks with the knife in hand. Well that's not good. If the knife isn't still in me that means that nothing is stopping the blood from flowing out. I stumble to my feet, I won't give up this easily. Shigaraki and the others are counting on me...

 I run at Endeavor. Head on. No tricks. I clearly didn't think this through. He didn't expect me to be so straight forward with my attack though. I punch him right between the eyes. He stumbles back

"Hawks!" He shouts annoyed. I may not be winning but at least I am annoying the shit out of these two. Hawks pulls me by the hood of my hoodie


"Calm down, brat!" I thrash around, not intending to go quietly. I grab his arm, pull the last knife I have out of my ankle holster, and stab right through. It was gross, you could see the knife sticking out through his skin. I enjoyed watching his face contort in pain before he dropped me, am I a psychopath for that? Probably.



He drops me right on my head. I watch the floor around me turn crimson. Oh, look at that I am loosing a lot of blood! How fun.

I feel myself start slipping unconscious.

The last thing I heard was Hawks saying,

"The kid was tougher than I thought he would be... but why didn't he use his quirk?" 

(A/N So that is my attempt at a fight scene, hope you enjoyed.)

Bakugou's pov

The Villain alarm went off. We were in Aizawa's class at the time, he made us stay in the room. Are they after us again? Everyone else started panicking, and if I am being honest I was a tad bit worried that they came for me... again. I don't want to go back... I barely got out.. if it weren't for that mystery person helping me and leading me to Deku and the others I wouldn't have..

 The nerd started muttering about all the scenarios. I am trying to be a better person so I don't immediately light him up like a fuckin' firework.

 I get up walk over to the nerd grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, my hands sparking.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU!" I yell annoyed. I'd like to think I am holding in my anger pretty well.

 "Bakubro, chill." says budget cut Pikachu as he put an arm around my shoulder.

One more word and I'll kill that extra I swear.

I let go of Deku, push dunce face off and sit on my desk. About an hour later Principal Nezu came in and talked to Aizawa.

Aizawa turns to us and says, "Listen up problem children, we are safe now. Lockdown will be over soon but first we need a volunteer, we captured one. It's a kid. No one is having good luck getting answers from him so we figured since he is around your ages he might feel more comfortable around one of you."

No one wanted to volunteer, can't really blame them though, so he randomly picked the shitty nerd. He walked out with Nezu. They came back not even an hour later, Deku was crying.

 What a weakling.

 Aizawa randomly points at me "Go on, follow Nezu."

 I narrow my eyes. I don't want to deal with an annoying brat. I'll pass.

"Uh... I don't mean to be rude but I have a feeling those two might burn down the building." I  glare at him, I watch him quake in fear. Pathetic. "Maybe-" says Deku.

"I'LL HANDLE THAT EXTRA JUST FINE!" I cut him off. I shove my hands in my pockets and follow Nezu to a nearby jail.

A/N Hi this is my first story, I'm still figuring out how to do this. This is a story no one asked for and probably no one wants to read but this is a story I've always wanted to do, so if you don't like it you don't like it, this is a story for me U.U  I'm really excited to play with the idea of villain kiri. I don't know how often I will update but I will try to update frequently for you all, and me :)! Sorry this chapter was so short, enjoy :D

Edit: Hi! Man, I can't believe it has been over a year since I started this! Here is an edited version! Thank you for those who have stayed with me since the beginning. I will keep updating, don't worry! I just needed to update in order to keep writing- its how my brain works.

I Couldn't Take it, so I Broke {Kiribaku}Where stories live. Discover now