Chapter 9

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I sat patiently in Fury's helicopter, strapping myself into the back seating area, waiting to take off. Nick was flying the copter, leaving the co-pilot's seat empty. We were waiting for the right moment to enter Alexander Pierce's office.

"How's it going, Captain?" I heard Hill ask Steve through my earpiece.

"I've got two down, one to go-" he was cut off by a loud thud.

"Captain?" Hill asked.

He groaned, "I'm fine. It's Bucky."

The Winter Soldier. The man ordered to murder Steve and Natasha and whoever stands in his way. And he just happened to be Steve's best friend whom he thought to be dead.

"Company's coming," Natasha said to Pierce.

We landed on the landing pad at SHIELD's headquarters, and I followed Nick inside. Natasha was inside, dressed as a female World Security Council member, now with her mask removed.

Pierce was surprised to see Fury as we walked through the doors. "Did you get my flowers?" Pierce said, "I'm glad you're here, Nick."

"Really? Because I thought you had me killed," he replied and I followed silently behind him into the room.

"You know how the game works."

"So why make me head of SHIELD?" Fury questioned.

"Because you were the best, and moth ruthless person I ever met," Pierce replied.

"I did what I did to protect people," Fury defended.

"Our enemies are your enemies, Nick," Pierce said as Natasha continued to hack into the computer, "disorder. War. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago." he paused, "diplomacy? A holding action. A band-aid. And you know where I learned that: Bogota. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people, by sacrificing twenty million." he sighed, "it's the next step, Nick. If you have the courage to take it."

Fury stepped closer to him and pulled his elbow, "no. I have the courage not to."

"Retinal scanner: active," the computer's voice said.

Pierce chuckled, "you don't think we've wiped your clearance from the system?"

Natasha walked closer to him and held up her gun, "I know you erased my password. Probably deleted my retinal scan. But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr Secretary," he pulled up his eye patch to reveal his grey, ruined eye, "you need to keep both eyes open."

The computer scanned both of their eyes, "alpha level: confirmed. Encryption code accepted. Safeguards removed."

When the computer finished transferring all the files, the little badges on the other three World Security Council members began to light up and burn through them. Natasha and Fury pointed their guns at Pierce before he could set off hers, "unless you want a two-inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down."

I put my hand on mine as I looked at the last guard in the room, ready to pull it out if necessary. "That was armed the minute you pinned it on," Pierce continued.

Nick looked at Nat with worry in his eyes as they both lowered their guns. Pierce walked over to the computer and pulled up the map of all the targets in the area that Project Insight would eliminate. "Lieutenant, how much longer?" he spoke.

"Sixty-five seconds to satellite link," a man answered through Pierce's radio, "targeting grid engaged. Lowering weapons array now."

My heartbeat increased as I looked back and forth from the giant computer screen and Natasha, "one minute," Hill said.

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