Chapter 2

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Once again, I was dragged off by Loki and his men. Apparently we were flying to Germany, which seems a little random. I still didn't know why we were going, or what was going to happen when we got there, but I tried not to think about it.

"We are we going?" I asked, feeling like I'd be asking this question a lot.

"To a party," Loki smirked, and suddenly I was no longer wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but a fancy purple dress.

"How did that just happen?" I asked.

"Magic," he joked and waved his hands like a magician but I just rolled my eyes, clearly not amused.

Barton was loading up his arrows and we finally landed. Loki led me into the big fancy building, while other civilians were arriving.

I heard classical music playing as I followed him inside. I was getting crowded and started to lose Loki. What would happen if I couldn't find him? I don't want to be left here, so I quickly wrapped my arm around his, and he smirked at me. He told me to stay up on a platform, away from all the other people. I didn't exactly obey him, because I found myself at the food table moments later.

I looked around at all the people socializing; they all seemed so peaceful and happy. I had a feeling that Loki was going to crush that feeling like an ant. I glanced towards the stairs to see him walking down, and he whipped his scepter, disguised as a walking stick, and smacked a security guard in the face with it.

My eyes widened and everyone began to panic. There was some screaming, but Loki's expression remained the same; mischievous. He grabbed another man, the same man who have a speech earlier, by the collar, and threw him onto the flat back of the bull statue. Loki pulled out a sort of tool, pressed the button on the top, and shoved it onto the man's face.

His eye. "What do you need?"

"A ride...and an eyeball."

I made brief eye contact with Loki before I quickly turned away from him. I couldn't watch him gauge out that poor man's eye. The party guests were starting to depart, and I saw Loki's outfit change; he had a huge gold helmet with horns like a ram's, and suit similar to the one I first saw him in.

He walked slowly towards the entrance of the building, following the civilians. I stuck close behind, but hid behind a pillar.

Suddenly, Loki was in two places at once. Now three. Four. "Kneel before me!" He demanded, herding the people with the projections of himself.

When they didn't listen, he repeated himself, "I said....KNEEL!"

I heard police sirens and a car rounded the corner. He blasted it with his scepter and they all kneeled. He started to walk in the crowd, "is this this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth or humanity; that you crave subjection. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the will always kneel."

I watched as an old man in the middle of the crowd stood up and looked at Loki, "not to men like you," he stated.

Loki smiled at him, "there are no men like me."

"There are always men like you," he replied.

"Look to your elder, people," he pointed his scepter at the man and I stood up, "let him be an example."

The scepter lit up and whooshed, and just as I yelled, "Loki, no!" He fired. The blast bounced off of someone's shield who had protected the old man and hit Loki. They lowered the shield and revealed their face.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Captain said.

"The soldier," Loki said and stood up and laughed, "the man out of time."

People started standing up, "I'm not the one who's out of time," Captain replied and Natasha's ship flew overhead.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down," she demanded, but he fired at her. She dodged the blast, and Captain threw his shield at Loki when he wasn't looking.

He caught it again, and all the people dispersed. Loki and Steve began fighting and I watched as my best friend was thrown to the ground multiple times. But he got back up. He always does.

Loki put the end of his scepter to Steve's head, "kneel."

Steve pushed it aside, "not today!" He replied and kicked Loki in the chest.

Suddenly, random rock music was playing and Loki and Steve stopped fighting. I saw my brother in the sky and he knocked Loki to the ground with his blasters.

"Make your move, reindeer games," Tony said and pointed his weapons at him.

I smiled widely, and waited. Loki's illusion faded and he became his normal self again, and held his hands up in surrender. I ran out towards my brother, "Tony!"

He opened his mask, "Diana? Why are you here?" He asked and Steve looked at me with concern as well.

I pointed to Loki, "he kidnapped me and thought to use me as bait for you. Guess it didn't entirely work," I said and Loki rolled his eyes.

They handcuffed him and we all went inside Natasha's aircraft. "We are taking him back to our base. You'll be safe there, Diana," Steve said to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at him and sat down next to Tony. "So, how exactly did he find you?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but we were already in DC with Pepper," I answered.


"Yeah, I brought Maggie along," I answered.

"Where is she?"

"They've picked her up, we found Loki's base and she's safely back in DC with Pepper," Natasha said.

Loud rumbles of thunder outside made me jump and I saw flashes of lightning. Loki looked worried, "what's the matter?" Steve asked, "scared of a little lightning?"

Loki sighed, "I'm not overly fond of what follows," he stated.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Steve but he just shrugged. Thud! I lurched forward in my seat and fell to floor. "Diana! Are you alright?" The Captain was quick to help me up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but what the hell was that?" I asked.

The door to the bay opened up and a man with long blonde hair, carrying a giant hammer and dressed in battle armor walked inside and grabbed Loki by the neck.

He pulled him towards the outside and they fell right out of the aircraft. "What just-" I started but Tony cut me off.

"I'm going after them," he said and rubbed my head, "stay put."

I nodded and he flew out. Captain started to strap a parachute onto himself. "Captain, I would sit this one out," Natasha said.

"No can do," he said.

"Those guys are of legend, they're basically gods," she said.

"With all due respect, ma'am, there's only one god, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that," Steve replied and saluted me, "stay safe, Di."

He grabbed his shield and strapped it on his back. He ran out of the ship and towards the ground. The door closed again and I sighed; this war was exhausting and it was only just beginning.


I'm really sorry you guys, I know you've been telling me to updating and I kind of forgot and had writers block, but now I'm in the mood again, so here's a new one :)

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