Chapter 10

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Several days had passed since Fury gave Steve files about Bucky while he was visiting Fury's grave. Sam had agreed to help Steve in any way he could, since he had nothing else to do.

I looked through the files; the pictures of Bucky being frozen after being experiment on were hard to look at. And I didn't even know him.

Steve was still a little shaken up over Bucky, and he was determined to find him and help him. "Do you ever miss your family?" I asked him one day.

He shrugged, "both my parents died before I enlisted."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Bucky was my family, he took care of me when my folks died, and then I went into the ice."

"What about Peggy?"

He shrugged, "what about her?"

"She seemed to mean a great deal to you. If you hadn't been frozen for almost seventy years, do you think she would've been the one for you?" I asked.

"I don't know...but I believe everything happens for a reason. I was frozen for all those years, and that brought me to you," he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Oh, you're such a sap," I said, letting him nuzzle his face into my neck.

"It doesn't matter what would've happened. What matters is what happens now, and what I see for my future is a life with you," he admitted.

I turned my face to his, kissing him softly. "I love you," I finally said it back to him.

He smiled widely and kissed me back. Just as the kiss deepened and I turned my body to face him, my telephone rang, and I knew exactly who it was by the ringtone. "It's Tony," I said and hurried to answer it.

"Tony?" I asked, a hint of worry evident in my voice.

"Di! How's my favorite sister?" his happy voice replied.

"Favorite? I'm your only sister, Tony," I rolled my eyes, "what's up? Is something wrong? How's Pepper?"

"Does something have to be wrong for me to call up my sister?"


"Alright, alright. And Pepper is good, by the way. Fury is rounding up the gang for a mission, and wants Cap in on it."

I looked over at Steve, who was just watching me talk to my brother with a small smile on his face. "It's for you," I said and handed the phone to him.

He gave me a look of confusion before taking it, "Stark?"

He ran his hand through his hair as he stood there quietly, listening. "Alright, we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"New York. Your brother has invited us to stay with him at the Tower while we go off on whatever mission Fury has for us," he replied and I nodded.

Within hours, we were packed and ready to go. The flight over to New York wasn't too long, and soon we were in a taxi to the Stark Tower. "Didn't take him long to fix the place up, I guess," Steve remarked as the car wove through the streets.

"Fix?" I said as the building came into view, "knowing my brother, he probably upgraded the damned thing."

"And it's the Avengers Tower now," a British voice spoke.

"Jarvis," I said, surprised but with a smile, "how can you-"

"Your phone, Miss Stark. Welcome home."

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