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Warnings: none I don't think

Nat's POV:
"Hi, I'm Natasha, Nat if you prefer... I'm an avenger as you probably know but I don't want that to be something that could effect us... umm I like to read.. bake and-"

"And I'm getting bored. Look Natasha I'm sure you're a lovely woman but I just don't think we are right for each other"

"Why don't you think that?"

"First of all you've come to a steakhouse dressed in a fluffy two piece pyjama set, and secondly I only came out on this date because I was told you were paying so yeah, sorry"

I glance down at my fluffy beige two piece gently messing with the hem of the jumper.

"Sorry... I'll get the cheque then"

"I think that would be a good idea"

I call a waiter over and pay for our food. My 'date' leaves straight away and I head outside.

When I get outside it's torrential rain so I quickly rush into the nearest alleyway to try and get some cover. I sit under an apartment balcony which happened to be the only form of shelter close. I take my phone out to try and book an Uber but then the dreaded notice comes up: no Ubers available. Great... i sit for about half an hour until I feel something fluffy brush against my hand. I instantly jump up scared that it it a rat or maybe a raccoon but instead it is a small black kitten.

I gasp just slightly and sit back down, stroking and stretching the cat's head, "hi kitty cat, what's chu name?"

I fiddle round looking for a collar or something to be able to identify it by but there was nothing.

"I thin i call you Moo"

I pick Moo up and hold him against my chest gently stroking up and down his back as we both sit there shivering from the cold.

Suddenly a tall figure comes into my view- a woman with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes, wearing a long black coat, white blouse, short navy blue skirt, and also carrying an umbrella. I try and hide away clutching a little harder but, not hard enough to hurt, to Moo.

"Hey... are you ok? Do you have somewhere to go? It's torrential rain out here" The woman spoke, her English accent filtered through and she kneeled down in front of me holding the umbrella over the both of us- and Moo.

"It cold.."

"Yeah it's very cold, and dark and late, do you have a place to go? I can take you there"

I shuffle round awkwardly, I know she means well but Wanda always told me to never go round the streets with someone I don't know... but I do have Moo with me.

"'Vengers 'ompound"

"What was that? Compound?"

I nod and reach out to grab my phone. I open my life360 and tap on Wanda's icon which shows she was at our Compound.

The English lady nods and we both get up, Moo secured cradled in my arms.

"Is that your kitty, he's awfully cute isn't he"

"No mine bu' jus came over to me"

"Oh, wow, and have you named him?"

"Yah! He calls Moo"

"Aw how sweet, now why are you living in a compound?"

"I 'venger!"

"A what?"


"What's an Avenger?"

"Fighty and saves 'ew york!"

"You do that? Wow that's so cool"

I nod jumping up and down a little with the excitement of thinking of what I do for a living. I love being on the team, they're my family.

After a twenty minute or so walk, we arrive at my home.

"Tha for bring me 'ome"

"That's okay sweetie, am I able to come inside to stay warm while I call for a cab?"

I nod vigorously grabbing onto her hand, still holding Moo in the other, and taking us both inside. When inside Wanda instantly runs over to me picking me up.

"Hey Natty, did you have a nice date"

"Nu.. they lef me an i had walk back in wain bu dis lady 'elp me back an I found kitty cat calls Moo"
(No, they left me and I had to walk back in the rain but this lady helped me back and I found a cat called Moo)

"Wow that's a lot to take in isn't it, and what's this lady's name?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, don't worry I'll be out of the way soon, just need to call for a cab"

"Wait you're Y/N Y/L/N? The famous writer?"

"Yeah I am"

"Oh my god no way, I love your books so much"

"Aw thank you, it's always nice to meet a fan"

"Wait what are you doing in New York? You live in London right?"

"Uh yeah, I moved here, yesterday actually, I'm currently crashing with my old university (college) roommate on the other side of town"

"That's so cool, but also really far away, at least an hour even by cab... why don't you crash here tonight? We have plenty spare rooms and you can borrow some of my clothes, we're roughly the same size"

"Oh, if you don't mind it would really help me out"

"Of course, let's go get both of you dry and sort out a space for Moo here"

We all head upstairs to the living quarters where Wanda shows Y/N a room she can stay in tonight and hands her a few pieces of clothes to try. She then takes me into my room drying me off with my towel and changing me into my duck print pyjamas. She then puts two plaits in my hair and brushes my teeth and washes my face. We then grab a towel and wrap Moo in it to help him dry out before Wanda takes him to a room where he won't get injured or too stressed out. She 'magics' him a litter box, a basket, cat tree and a selection of toys.

"Right Natty I'll leave you here to play with Moo for a bit, but remember be gentle with him he's just a kitty"

"Yes Wands"

With a kiss on the top of my head she leaves me and Moo, shutting the door behind her.
After forty minutes of playing I discovered Moo doesn't like chasing feathers but he loves to try and catch fish on a stick, it was very fun. And then Y/n came in holding two drinks- one in a mug and one in my sippy cup. I smile bouncing just a little and hold my hands out taking the cup.

"Wanda told me you'd still be here and also said you need to get to sleep"

"Bu' Moo so cute"

"He's very cute isn't he, but he's going to get really tired and so will you so if you go to sleep now you'll both have lots of energy ready to play tomorrow how does that sound?"

"Fun! I wan sleep now"

I hold my arms out and y/n picks me up, holding me on her hip and carrying me into my room- laying me on my bed and setting my cup next to me on my bedside table. I reach over and turn on my colour changing bear night light and grab my teddy- Martin, tucking him under my arm just before y/n brings my duvet up tucking me in.

I actually managed to sleep the whole night.

A/n: heyy, so this is chapter 1 of my new book, I hope you like it!

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