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Y/N's pov:
Today was Natty's birthday.
Me and the others were busy getting the living room and kitchen all decorated with bluey bunting and balloons. Once that was done I snuck back upstairs to my room where Nat was lying sound asleep on my bed, her bear nestled beneath her chin and her lips just ever so parted letting out small snores.

"Hey birthday girl, it's time to get up"

"No mama me tired"

"Too tired for presents?"

She shoots upright sitting with her red hair up on all ends.

"Me has presents?"

"Of course you do, let's get you in a onesie and go have a look"

We make short work of getting her into her bingo onesie and me in the matching bluey one and rush downstairs to where the presents were.

She meticulously picks up each present, opening them gently to not rip the paper- she claims she will keep it all in perfect condition as it was too mean to rip up her favourite characters faces.

I watch eagerly as she opens the gifts we all got her, and laugh a little as the small girl blushes when opening the new 'play time' set I got her.


"What baby? You like?"

She nods and blushes furiously at my question before moving onto the next present.

After a long morning of opening gifts, we settle at the table for pancakes and waffles with maple syrup.

"This bes Birfday ever mama wuv it"

"That's so good baby"

God this is so short😭

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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