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A/n: heyyy here's chapter 2 for y'all :)

Y/N's POV:
I wake up with an irritable pounding in my head ad an uncomfortable tightness in my chest. With a sigh i make a reach for my phone on the bedside table next to me and see that its already half past ten and slowly get out of bed. I change into the fresh clothes Wanda kindly gave to me and grab all my things before heading downstairs. I make my beeline through the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water to hopefully cure my headache.

"Hey, Y/n you ok? You look awfully pale"

"I um yeah I'm ok, just a killer headache. Thanks for letting me stay last night by the way"

"Oh its no trouble at all, and are you sure you want to go so soon you really don't look well..."

"I really shouldn't.. my roommate will be wondering where i am.."

"ok, well at least let me drop you back"

"'An me help too!"

"Yes Natty i suppose you can come too"

We agree on that and are soon in a very expensive looking car, Nat in the back playing with a teddy bear and me and Wanda in the front listening to some peaceful music. After an hours drive we get out and go up to my apartment. When we get in i find all my things thrown across the hallway, and what happens to be a note from my roommate reading:

Y/N, I found out what you did and can't believe you. We were supposed to be friends and i trusted you with my life, so why did you throw that trust away? I was there for you when you needed someone and i thought you were there for me too, but no, you went off and dated him anyway didn't you. The one guy i told you not to. The guy who literally tore me apart and-

I cant make out the rest of the script, its all blotted with a mix of ink and tears. Fuck.

"Y/n? What is this?"

"Um... about five years or so ago Lisa- my roommate, broke up with her boyfriend because he was selling

"Oh, and I'm taking it she's left?"

"I guess so... I'm sorry this place is in such a mess, i swear I'm normally tidy"

"Well i doubt you purposefully threw your clothes about like this..."

"y/n come stay us"

"Um... well actually yeah i suppose y/n could come live with us if she wanted.. is that something you'd maybe like to do?"

"I, uh, yeah i mean that would be brilliant but i dont want to intrude on you guys"

"Oh dont worry about that, we have plenty space for new people, come on lets get you packed"

I smile and go grab my three suitcases which Wanda- who i had now discovered has powers- packs all my possessions into within five minutes and we are back in the car within ten. This time i drive us back as Nat begged and begged to sit in the front, finally settling up on Wanda's lap. I'm not entirely sure of their relationship but from not even knowing them a full day it seems really sweet.

After the long journey back we unload the car and take my things up to the living quarters.

"So, now you're possibly staying permanently, which room do you want?"

I opt for the one in the corner; mildly secluded and situated with Moo's room to the left, Natasha's after Moo's and then Wanda's on the right. I have a small window seat with room for storage underneath, a king sized bed, large tv, desk, two big french door style windows with a small balcony too, my very own en-suite with a walk in shower, bath, and storage units, one large wardrobe and best part of all- its completely bare- just calling out fo my own personal touch to make it my own. With a huge sigh I flop myself onto my bed, sinking comfortably into the mattress and gazing up to the ceiling. I then fall asleep for a very quick half-hour power nap before unpacking once again. I get my laptop, books and manuscripts out putting them neatly on the desk knowing full well that it will be all over the floor in a few days, but for now i can pretend to be an organised person. I then realise i should probably go introduce myself to everyone so head down to what i assume is the living space. I take a seat on a marl grey sofa, the room's attention instantly darting over at me and begin-

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