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A/n: apologies for not updating since October... I've had barely any motivation and mock exams but I couldn't leave this story hanging
Y/N's POV:
Me and Nat are currently sat in the living room watching The Little Mermaid because Nat told me she 'has red hair just like Ariel's and wants to be a mermaid when she grows up'. She's adorable I can't lie.


"Yeah baby?"

She makes a light gulp, her fingers playing with the hem of her jumper and looks up to me with those gorgeous emerald eyes which are nearly overflowing with tears.

"Oh baby are you okay?"

"I- uh..."

"She's had an accident y/n" wanda calls from the other sofa.

"Oh... ok, um do you want to go take a bath?"

She nods and I pick her up and we go upstairs to my bathroom. I undress her and check the temperature of the water before placing her gently in the bath.

"Y/n do you have rubby ducky?"

"Mm let me go check in my magical cupboard"

She lets out the cutest little squeal as I open the cupboard drawers searching for some bath toys. I find a pack of three rubber ducks; one yellow, one green, and one pink. Attached is a note reading:
Thought she might ask for these
-Wanda x

I swear Wanda would be a such better caregiver than I.. but if she insists not then that's okay.

I take them out of their packaging and place them in the bath.
After washing her as quick as I could i lift her out, wrapping her in a fluffy towel and dry her off. I carry her into my room changing her into some pyjamas before tucking her into bed.

"You gonna go sleepies for the night little one?"

"Kay... you be up soon?"

I nod, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead "I'll be up in about a half hour ok?"

She nods, clinging onto a strand of my hair trapping me from going. "What you got there?"

"Pretty hair"

"Why thank you, you have very pretty hair too baby girl"

She blushes furiously and parts her lips as if to go say something but instead presses a gentle kiss to my lips. I quickly pull back hearing a high pitched whine come from my baby's mouth.

"What was that for hm?"

"Jus wanted to see.."

"See what?"

"If you like kisses"

"I love kisses baby but let's just keep it to little ones yeah?"

"What does that meaannnnn"

"I meannnn let's just keep them short, I don't want you getting the idea that I'm ready for a relationship again ok?"

"Kay... you come sleepies now please?"

"You're so needy baby" I chuckle a little and change into pyjamas before getting into bed next to her.

I hold my arms out and she immediately jumps into them, burying her face into my chest and tangling her legs with mine.

"Night sweetheart"

"Night mama, love you"

I smile, knowing it was the first time she's ever said that but also a little confused as I'd only known her a few days.

"Do you no love me back?"

"Oh god baby, of course I love you back"

"And I'm cute?"

"You're the most adorable baby ever"

"Yay, night night"


We both fall asleep pretty quickly through until the morning.

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