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Y/n's POV:
I wake up in the morning with a tiny Nat nestled into my side, I cannot help but awe at the site. She's truly adorable but I can't help but feel slightly disheartened at the fact that I was her second choice? She wanted Wanda last night but had to settle with me.

With a sigh i get out of my bed, tucking the duvet round Nat's tiny body and then writing her a little note reading:
Morning Nat, I hope you slept ok, I'll either be talking to wanda or making breakfast. Feel free to nap here whenever you need to,
From y/n xx

I then leave and head out to wanda's room. I knock three times on the door and a very tired looking wanda opens the door.


"Morning, is everything ok?"

"Yeah umm it's not a problem for me but Nat came and slept in my bed last night"


"Yes very aw, but she originally wanted you, she'd had a nightmare but then said you were making 'funny noises' with Vis and I just wanted to say that it seems a bit selfish of you if you're her caregiver-"

"I'm not her caregiver"


"I'm not her caregiver, Nat doesn't have a caregiver so stop making assumptions please"

"Sorry I didn't know.. she said you're like her sister or mother thought..."

"Yes but I'm like that with everyone"

"Except vision"

"Yup, and look for all I care you can be her caregiver if you really want, just make sure she's ok with that"

"Really? I don't know if I could do it..."

"I think you're perfect for it"

"I- uh... thank you.. I might talk to her about it after breakfast then"

"Speak of the devil"

I hear a little yawn behind me and a tug on my sleeve and see to my left a sleepy morning Natasha clutching her teddy with her red hair all poofy and sticking up on all ends.

"Morning sweet girl"

She yawns with a big big stretch "mornin mommy", I smile so widely I think it might get stuck on my face. I then slide my hands just under her arms picking her up and holding her at my hip.

"Now how about we get you some breaky?"

She nods vigorously and then proceeding to kiss all over my face. I laugh a little and take her downstairs to the kitchen.

After breakfast, waffles and maple syrup much to Nat's demand, we go upstairs and i help her change into a fluffy one piece onesie. She looks adorable. I then take a seat on her small bed and pat my lap which she instantly sits on.

"Can I talk to big girl Natty for a minute?"

She nods shutting her eyes, clearly trying to get out of headspace. I don't like seeing her doing this but I'd rather have her be able to speak her true mind about it.

"What do you want to talk about"

"I was wondering if you would like to have me as your caregiver?"

"Yessss yes please I want that"

"Really? Well, I'm very glad"

"What Can I call you then?"

"You can call me anything you like, just nothing rude okay"

She nods "that's fine by me"

"Ok and I want to set just a few ground rules"

She nods again.

"Rule number one, no hurting each other in any way, no being mean, you will get three warnings until your punishment, no punishments will ever hurt you okay, and last one is nothing sexual to happen when you're in little space"

I see her going through them in her head before nodding, "sounds good, what about sexual stuffs outside of little space?"

"Uhh that depends nat, remember what I said about the divorce?"

"Yah.. but what if you get be my girlfriend and we live happy ever after"

I could tell she was starting to drop a bit so I decided to end our chat their.

I've got myself a little and I guess I'm officially a caregiver.

A/n: sorry this is awful lmao, I'm lacking motivation :( thanks to everyone reading this story it means a lot

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