Chapter 3

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The whole group of us approached their old-looking, yet pretty cool, convertible car, with a pull-up roof in case it rained or whatever.

The back was spray-painted with the words 'Look Alive, Sunshine' and there were several stickers on the windows and the bumper that said things like 'bulletproof' or 'killjoys' . On the hood of the car was a giant spider painted on.

"Sweet ride," I commented, still scanning the car with interest.

Gerard smiles with pride. "Thank you; she's all mine."

I smile as Gerard opens the passenger's seat door for me, sitting down in the beaten-up, but comfy, leather seats.

"Party, what the heck?" Frank grumbles as he sits in the back seat. "I thought I had called shotgun!"

Gerard turns around to face him. "Too bad; Jenna is going to sit in the front, so suck it up, Ghoul."

Frank just grunts as the rest of the boys and Grace pile inside the car after him.

Gerard sits in the front seat and starts the car, turning his decorated keychain in the ignition.

Once we were on the highway, the car sped up to about 100mph. I had never gone that fast in a car, so I gripped the sides of the seat with my hands. Gerard smirked at my nervousness, and I just laughed nervously.

As we drove through the lifeless dessert, I soon spot my home inside the cave inside of a plateau. "My cave is inside that plateau." I say to Gerard, pointing in that direction.

Gerard gives me a confused look, but he nods and slows the car down, pulling off from the road and into the sand.

Gerard then stops the car, telling Frank, Mikey, Ray, and Grace to stay in the car as he gets out, along with me.

I make my way towards the cluster of cacti, Gerard following close behind me. I turn around to face him. "Thanks for giving me a ride, Gerard." I smile.

Gerard smiles back. "No problem, Jenna."

Suddenly, from the bush of cacti, Tommy pops out with a fierce look on his face. He sees Gerard and jumps on him, causing Gerard to fall into the sand.

"Who are you?" Tommy growls.

Gerard chuckles at Tommy, lifting him up as he regained his balance. "I'm Party Poison." He says, putting Tommy back down on the ground.

Tommy crosses his arms over his chest and huffs. "No one picks me up except for Jenna." He squeaks, standing closely by my side.

Gerard carefully pushes the bunch of cacti back a bit so he can see the inside of the cave. He looks inside for a few moments, having to narrow his eyes to see through the darkness. Releasing the cacti, he turns back to me and raises his eyebrows in awe.

"Pretty impressive hideout, I must say," Gerard says, brushing a strand of blood-red hair from his face. "However, there are a few flaws." He finishes, smirking slightly.

I look up at him and put my hands on my hips. "Flaws?" I repeat. How dare this guy who barely knows me criticize my work?

"Yes. 1. You're not close to any supplies, 2. If the Draculiods were to find your cave, you have to escape routes, and 3. You've got no one to protect you." Gerard turns to Tommy. "No offense there, Tom."

Tommy just grunts and kicks sand at Gerard's shoes.

I roll my eyes at his ridiculous response. "I'm fully capable of caring for and protecting myself, thank you very much." I retort. "I have been doing so for the past 3 years."

Gerard just sighs and shakes his head, looking at the footprint-littered sand below him. "I know we just met, Jenna, but I wanna protect you; we all do." He gestures to the other three waiting in the car.

I look anywhere but Gerard's eyes. I couldn't help it, but every time I even just glanced at them, I would get lost in the paralyzing hazel orbs.

Then, I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I trace the arm back to Gerard and find him looking straight into my eyes, his gaze never breaking for one second.

"Jenna, you and Tommy are two of the very few Killjoys left here in Battery City. We need as many as we can if we are to ever defeat Better Living Industries. If you and Tommy joined our team back at our place, it would be an awesome addition."

"Wait, there's more people like us?" I ask him, still thinking about his offer.

Gerard smiles. "Of course. Did you think we were just a group of 4 rebels who don't stand a chance?" He jokes with a chuckle.

I smile. Maybe joining Gerard and the Killjoys might be a good idea. After all, he was right that I wouldn't last long out here in the desert alone with a little boy.

I take a deep breath and look up at Gerard once again. "We appreciate your offer to join you guys, and we accept."

"What!?" Tommy's jaw dropped in shock. "You didn't even discuss this with me? I thought we were tight!"

I giggle at Tommy's spunky behavior and ruffle up his black hair. "I'm older than you, Tommy, so I'm technically your older sister or mother. You'll be happier with more people to hang around with anyway."

Gerard's face lit up when I accepted. He then grabbed my hand and ran towards the car, causing me to partially drag behind him, because he was faster than me.

Tommy followed close behind us as we piled into the car, me sitting shotgun while Tommy had to sit in Jet Star's lap, which I found amusing.

My stomach churned with both excitement and nervousness as we drove with great speed down the empty highway towards my new home. I wonder if the other Killjoys will accept me...

A/N: Hey guys! So, I changed my username bc I wanted it to be the same as my Instagram user. Go follow me on Instagram @/billie.the.drama.queen 💚 thanks for reading! ~Alex

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