Chapter 13

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I take a deep breath before walking out the door from The Nest; tonight is only the first of many nights I would secretly be meeting with Electric Skeleton.

My watch reads 11:45pm; it took about 10 minutes to get to the place Skeleton had dragged me to last night, so if I was fast enough, I would be early.

Everyone was tired today, especially Tommy and the former spies, so everyone had gone to bed at 11:00.

Trekking through the dark sandy dunes, I make my way towards our meeting spot.

The moon shone clearly in the night sky, since there were no clouds visible, and millions of tiny stars lay scattered across the black sheet of night.

A slight wind was blowing across the sand, and that was the only noise that could be heard in the desolate landscape.

I recognize the meeting spot by the little flag Skeleton had stuck in the sand last night. The only other landmark I could remember was a pretty cactus flower garden growing a few feet away.

The moon only casts enough light to see a few feet in front of me, so I won't be able to see Skeleton when he arrives...or if he arrives.

What if this was just a trap?

"Where is he?" I mutter to myself, bringing the sleeves of my jacket up.

As if on cue, I hear his smooth voice behind me. "Did someone call for sexy?"

I spin around to see him, dressed in black leather pants, a shirt with a skull on it, a black jacket, converse, and as usual, his signature skeleton gloves. "Are you just gonna stare at me or are we gonna start?" Skeleton raises an eyebrow and me and puts his hand on his hip.

I roll my eyes. "Let's get started then."

"We're not gonna get anywhere with that attitude, are we, princess?" Skeleton takes off his jacket to reveal muscular, tattooed arms. I take a deep breath, averting my eyes are away from him for a brief moment.

I look back to him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. He was gone.

While I stood there dumbfounded, I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind. Stifling back a scream, I hear Skeleton's recognizable chuckle.

"H-how did you do that?" I fumble with my words out of disbelief.

Skeleton smirks. "It all comes with the package deal of being a spy; you learn to sneak up on people in absolute silence without them noticing."

I roll my eyes and shrug. "So, what first? You convinced me to meet you out here and I expect to get something out of it."

"Someone is salty," Skeleton teases. "Okay, do you wanna learn how to sneak up on people like I just did?" 

I nod eagerly. I couldn't wait to gain all kinds of knowledge and skill from Skeleton. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, like Gerard had made him sound.


A few days had gone by, and it was harder to convince Gerard and everyone that my leg was still injured.

I had been meeting with Skeleton night after night, training in the ways of becoming a spy, and I was really excelling in it.

Since I'm thin, it's easy for me to sneak around stealthily. I had even managed to startle Skeleton one night while training.

While training, I was learning more and more about Skeleton from the information he shares with me.

Skeleton was the son of two Killjoys, and he was born when White Smoke was leader.

Him and Gerard are the same age, and according to him, they used to be best friends. I didn't ask what had happened between them, but something told me it had something to do with Gerard losing his sister.

I'm now flipping through a comic book, sprawled out on my bed comfortably, my eyes skimming the colorful pages.

Suddenly, the door opens. I turn my gaze from the comic book to the door to find Kobra Kid.

He had on his signature yellow jacket and his hair was gelled up. "Hi Jenna." He greets softly, walking in the room slowly.

I smile at him. "Hey Kobra, what brings you down here?"

Kobra holds his hands behind his back. "Um, Party Poison wanted to know how your leg was doing; he hopes it heals soon and he wants to you start training again as soon as possible."

"I think it's healing," I tell him, feeling the familiar feeling of guilt clawing at my stomach every time I told a lie. "Tell him I'll be back up training soon."

Kobra nods and steps out of the room, slowly shutting the door behind him.

I lay back down with my back against the backboard of the bed, continuing to read my comic until I fall asleep, exhausted from training every night.


The smell of harsh chemicals hit my nose. My eyes fly open, finding myself in what looks like a factory.

I hadn't seen a factory every since I left BLI and moved out to the desert away from the society. This was odd.

Standing up, I begin to explore the area which I had somehow wound up in.

Shiny metal tubes hung from the ceiling and loud iron machines sat on the floor with conveyer belts coming out of each machine.

I walk over to one of the conveyer belts to see what was being made. My blood immediately ran cold.

There on each conveyer belt were what looked like human body parts, but they were made of metal.

A pair of legs land on some sort of stand from the conveyer belt and a torso, arms, and head are added to the legs, creasing a body.

When I went to look at that face of the metal thing, I thought my heart had stopped beating. The face looked exactly like mine, the features matching mine exactly.

As I stepped away from the statue, I hear voices coming from one of the doors along the walls of the factory.

Making sure I wasn't seen, I peek my head up to a window that sat next to the door where the voices were coming from.

I couldn't make out the figure standing with its back facing towards the window, but I could see the features of the man sitting behind the chair of the shiny office.

He was bald and had thick eyebrows with menacing eyes. He wore a white suit with matching pants and a tie.

"The model is ready." The man informs the mysterious person. "We need to get our hands on her. She's dangerous to us."

The figure nods. "Don't worry, sir, I'm gaining her trust and soon I will be able to bring her here."

I back away from the window, my ears buzzing and the words playing themselves over and over in my head. Why am I dangerous? I'm nothing special, and who is working with that man who wants me?

The White Fox  |book 1|Where stories live. Discover now