Chapter 29

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(White Fox's POV)

Once the two guards had been shot down, Skeleton and I begin untying the Killjoys.

"Jenna!" Tommy exclaims, wrapping his arms around my neck. I pick him up, kissing his forehead.

"I missed you, Tom." I reply, hugging him for a little bit longer before setting him back on the ground.

"Ya gonna untie me or not?" I hear Red's familiar voice joke.

I bend down beside her, untying her. She stands up, brushing off the dust from her jeans. "Those freaking brutes held us hostage.  I should have been able to fight them off, but none of us had our guns on us." She mutters shamefully, looking at the ground.

I pat her shoulder. "Don't feel bad, Red.  You guys didn't know those three were traitors."

Red gives me a small smile before looking to the right of me, a scowl forming on her face. "What's he doing here?" She points to Skeleton, who is had just finished freeing Grace from her rope bounds.

Skeleton stands up, looking at her. "I'm here helping; what does it look like?" He scoffs, returning to his work.

"He's the leader of those traitors!" Black Wolf shouts, standing up and grabbing his gun from a table.

Skeleton steps back, hands high in the air. "I'm not with them, I swear!"

A few other Killjoys follow Wolf's lead, cornering Skeleton with their pointed and loaded guns. I run up to them. "Wait stop! He's not with them! I saw him shoot Flame!"

Wolf raises his eyebrow and turns to face me. "You expect us to believe the words of a newbie? You have no right to expect us to believe you." He snarls, aiming the gun at my forehead.

"It's true," a weak voice croaks.

Everyone turns around at the voice. Despite the cold nose of the gun pressed against my forehead, I follow the eyes of everyone to see Gerard on his hands and knees, crawling inside.

I run to Gerard's side, helping him up and slinging one of his arms over my shoulder. "Skeleton, can you help?" I ask.

Without a word, the former spy rushes over to assist the wounded leader. Wolf stares blankly at the situation. "Is this true, Party Poison?"

"Yes," Gerard breathes as Skeleton and I rest him on the couch.

"Confetti Bomb!" I call for the energetic Killjoy amongst the crowd.

As soon as you can say 'Scarecrow', the spiky-haired man pushes through the crowd, a first aid kit already in his hand.

"I've got this, Fox." He assures as he attends to his leader's wounds.

"Black Wolf," Gerard begins, motioning for his second-in-command to come over.

The gruff Killjoy approaches him, his harsh green eyes fixed upon Gerard's pained hazel ones.

"Electric Skeleton is responsible for killing Flame Seeker, the leader of these traitors." He gestures to the dead bodies of Wild Mustang and Blue Storm. "I witnessed it before my very eyes."

"But Party-" Wolf begins to protest, only to be cut off by Gerard.

"Would you question the words of your leader?" Gerard challenges. "Skeleton is the one who has kept White Fox safe while I exiled her for reasons I now regret. I misjudged you, Skeleton." Gerard turns to face Skeleton.

"My beloved sister, Rose Spark, was tragically killed today by Flame, but Skeleton has avenged her death." Gerard smiles weakly. "You have proved yourself worthy of becoming a Killjoy again. I would like you to return here and fight against BLI with us."

Skeleton just stands there, a surprised expression on his face. I don't blame him; the person who has hated his guts for the longest time is now apologizing and taking back all he has said and done, and now he is offering to let him join them again.

"Party Poison," Skeleton begins. "Thank you for forgiving me, and I really do appreciate the offer, but I like living as a spy in my secret hideout in the desert. I can give you all inside information about BLI."

Gerard nods respectfully. "Very well, but remember you are always welcome into The Nest."

Skeleton gives a small smile of gratitude.

Soon, Confetti is done disinfecting and bandaging up Gerard's wounds. Suddenly, Gerard's eyes widen. "Fun Ghoul! He's tied to a cactus!"

I had been wondering where Ghoul was, but I guess that explains it.

"I'll get him." Golden Threat offers.

"Bring him to me so I can heal him!" Confetti shouts at his friend before Threat rushes out the door.


Once everyone had been cleared out, only Gerard and I are left in the empty room. I walk over to him on the couch, sitting next to him.

Gerard sits up, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his chin on my shoulder, rocking me back and forth. "I've missed you." He whispers.

I hug him back. "I missed you too." I reply, snuggling into his chest.

Gerard lays back down, bringing me into his chest with his arms. "Hopefully now things will be more calm; we're at peace with Skeleton, Flame Seeker and the spies are dead, and BLI have been relatively quiet." I mutter sleepily.

"We've always got to keep our guard up," Gerard replies, kissing my tender neck. "We can't get too comfortable."

I don't reply; just laying in Gerard's warm embrace. I'm so glad I went to rob the quick store that day; if not, I would never have met Gerard, or anyone else here.

I honestly couldn't be happier than I am right now. I feel important. I feel loved. I can make a difference in this would by fighting for the rebellion.

No longer am I on the run by myself.

I am The White Fox

A/N: Wow, I've been writing this book for 6 months and now it's over :(

Don't worry, I will be writing a sequel that will contain answers to some unanswered questions.

The sequel should be out sometime in January :3

Thank you guys so much for taking time out of your day to read my story it means the world to me when you guys comment saying you love it. I love you guys so much.

Stay beautiful,


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