Chapter 24

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A/N: I drew this pic of Gee yesterday :3

Enjoy the chapter, lovelies! <3

I rest my head on Skeleton's chest as he carries me towards his hideout. He strokes my white hair and runs his fingers through it every now and then in an attempt to comfort me.The kindness and gentleness of Skeleton surprises me, since he appears so be an egotistical flirt. Well, after all, he does know what it's like to be cast out, so he feels sympathy towards me.

I didn't have any idea where he was taking me; it seems like Skeleton is just wandering mindlessly through the desert past a few cactuses every now and then.

Eventually, Skeleton stops at a medium-sized sandy-colored rock. He sets me down gently onto the soft sand, just warming up from the freshly-risen sun. I watch as Skeleton slides open a panel in the rock with a keypad with numbers on it. He types in a code, causing the rock to suddenly open.

Skeleton turns back to me. "Can you walk?"

I attempt to stand, using my arms for support. After struggling for a brief amount of time, I am able to stand on my own. Nodding weakly, I watch as Skeleton disappears into the ground.

As I stand there, staring blankly at the gaping hole in the earth, Skeleton's head pops back up, a playful smirk plastered on his face. "Are you gonna just stand there or come in, darling?"

I roll my eyes, relief flooding through me to see his usual personality. It was pretty odd to see his sweet and caring side, but I guess there's a kind side to everyone and a mean side to everyone. Gerard's previous actions had proved that to be true.

Without hesitation this time, I peer down the hole and see a long steep metal ladder leading down into its depths.

Carefully stepping onto the ladder, I begin to climb down the hole. I flinch from surprise when the top of the hole closes suddenly, leaving the narrow pathway down the ladder pitch black.

I take deep breaths and try to focus on the noise of Skeleton's footsteps crawling down the ladder close behind me.  My breathing is steady, but each breath shakes like an earthquake.

I feel Skeleton rub my back, taking me by surprise. "You doing okay?" Concern is clear in his voice, all his arrogance and teasing had vanished.

"I'm fine, thanks," I lie. The truth is, I'm still a bit shaken up from the previous events.

I had seen Gerard's bad side, when he exiled Electric Skeleton, but never did I think he would act so harsh towards his girlfriend.Well, I can't really blame him for being angry; I did go behind his and the other Killjoys' backs by meeting with an exiled member, but all of Gerard's accusations against Skeleton are false. I have seen all of Skeleton's good qualities as well as his bad ones and have heard his side of the story.

I just wish there was a way I can prove Skeleton's innocence.I could always bring him back to The Nest with me when my week of isolation is over, but Gerard had given orders for Skeleton to be killed if he ever stepped foot into The Nest.

Things seem so hopeless right now.  But maybe one day, I will find a way to make the wrong right.

Another thought occurs to me; Flame Seeker! That traitor still hasn't been caught yet; he's still in The Nest!

My heart rate increases as images of his evil face flash through my mind. What if he kills Tommy, or Red...or Gerard? The more I think about it, the sicker I feel inside. I miss Tommy; it pains me to leave him on his own, even if it's only for a week and he is safe with the Killjoys. I just feel alone without Tommy, since I've been with him for so many years; he's become the little brother I never had.

I feel like I've been so caught up with Gerard and hiding my secret meetings with Skeleton from everyone, that I've kind of been ignoring Tommy lately. But he had Grace to keep him company, and Grace rarely goes anywhere without Fun Ghoul or Confetti Bomb by her side.

Maybe he's moved on and doesn't need me to look after him anymore. Maybe he's growing up.After contemplating my thoughts for what seems like years, I hear Skeleton's feet touch the ground on what sounded like concrete.

Amongst the darkness, I feel for the floor with my feet and carefully step off the ladder once I find my footing.

I can't see much, but from what I can tell, there is a large metal door. Skeleton punches in another code, causing the door to open, and revealing one medium-sized room.

The room was painted a dark, slate gray with a single lightbulb hanging from the low-lying ceiling. A large red sofa stands out in the middle of the room with a rug underneath it. At the far right corner is what looks like a small kitchen with a stovetop, microwave and oven.

An area with blankets draping around it, which I assume is the bathroom, stands in the left corner closest to the door, and a large bed is at the far left corner.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" Skeleton steps past me and plops on the couch. "Built it all by myself."

I truly believe him; he used live on his own underneath a building when he was young in Battery City without being caught.

"Nice." Is all I can say.

"Y'know, you can stay here for the week of your exile." Skeleton suggests, slightly blushing and playing with his skeleton gloves, looking at the floor.

"Really?" I ask again. "I don't want to intrude; I can go back to Tommy and I's old hideout."

Skeleton stands up. "That's not possible.

I raise an eyebrow at him, placing a hand on my hip. "Oh? And why not?"

Taking a deep breath, he responds. "Dracs have already found it, Jenna. They're on your trail."

I stare at him, a confused expression on my face. What is so special about me? I'm just an average Killjoy who devotes her life to rebel against BLI and do protect her fellow Killjoys.

"Why me?" I ask, looking back at Skeleton.

"You really don't know who you are, do you?" Skeleton chuckles half-heartedly and shakes his head, retuning my gaze. "You'll learn soon enough."

Ugh does he have to be so mysterious? I just sigh, taking a seat next to him on the plush couch. I really hope I find out who I am soon and why I'm so special. I also need to stop Flame from harming any more innocent lives.

A/N: Woohoo! I'm on a role this week so y'all get 2 updates back to back!!! :3

My Grammie and Grampie are at my house for Thanksgiving and I'm so freaking excited to eat a crap ton of food with an excuse!!!

For those of you who live in America, Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Don't forget to watch Brendon perform on the Macy's Day Parade!!!

Luv you all and stay beautiful and stay alive |-/


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