Chapter 21

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My eyes flutter open to see Gerard's sleeping face centimeters away from mine. I could feel his warm breath coming from his nose as he gently breathed fanning my face.

Cracking a smile, I bury my head deeper into the crook of his neck, kissing it gently.

I feel Gerard stir. His arms tighten around me and he kisses my forehead. "Good morning, Jenna."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "My name is White Fox now."

Gerard smirks and kisses my lips. "Yeah but you call me Gerard when I go by Party Poison, so it's only fair I call you Jenna, sweetheart."

I giggle and pry myself from his grasp, but he ends up pulling me back to his chest. I give him a confused stare.

"Um, Gee, in case you forgot, you're kinda the leader around here and Tom-Shadow Flash," I correct myself, "and I have duties, since we just became Killjoys."

Gerard chuckles, running his fingers through my long, snow-white hair. "Honey, it's tradition that after a new Killjoy is named, everyone takes a day off from duties. So that means you're staying in bed with me." He kisses my lips as he pulls me back towards his warm body.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath of satisfaction, I snuggle back into him.

As I lay there with my eyes closed, a sudden thought occurred to me; I forgot about Skeleton.

Crap, I was supposed to reveal Flame in front of everyone and to convince Gerard Skeleton was on our side. It must have completely slipped my mind after I was named and Gerard asked me to be his girlfriend.

He's probably mad as hell.

Then, another thought came to mind. What if I tried to convince Gerard Skeleton wasn't a bad guy right now? Then he might take it better later.

"How come you never liked Skeleton?" I blurt out suddenly.

I feel Gerard immediately stiffen and his heart rate go up.  I begin to regret asking. "I'm sorry-"

"No, it's okay, Jenna." Gerard interrupts gently with a sigh. "You deserve to know. After all, you have been seeing him almost every night."

My heart drops. "How did you know?" My voice shook a bit, afraid of his response.

"It was kinda obvious, Jenna." Gerard let out a chuckle. "And Frank told me. I do admit, I was a bit mad at first that you were training with him behind my back, but I forgive you, because I know you were doing it for a good cause."

I nod, playing with my hands. "Mustang, Flame, and Blue all made being a spy sound so cool, and I wanted to be like them."

"Don't feel ashamed, being a spy was awesome." Gerard smiles.

I pretend to act surprised that Gerard used to be a spy, but he must have known I was faking it, because he just let out a laugh.

We stayed like this for pretty much the whole day, talking about stuff from funny things to deep topics. I couldn't have been happier than I was that day.


A few days had gone by of becoming a Killjoy, and I would come back to my bedroom each night completely exhausted. Red Adrenaline, Shadow Flash, Grace, and I had all been performing duties together like guarding and checking the border, securing the barrier and stuff like that.

It was 2:34am and I woke up to the sound of footsteps walking down the hallway. Being the curious person I am, I decide to investigate.

Gently and quietly creaking the door open, I slide into the hallway and creep down the hall, following the figure.

The figure disappears into one of the bedrooms. I peek my head in through the doorway, my head covered in a black hoodie so I couldn't be seen in the dark hallway.

The person walks over to someone sleeping on one of the beds. He sets something down underneath one of the beds, looking behind him.

I quickly dart back towards my bedroom and hop into my bed. I hear the footsteps fade away and a door closes, signaling that whoever it was was back in their room.

My thoughts were processing what had just happened; what did they put underneath the bed? Who was the person, and whose bed was it.

As I thought, an ear-splitting boom erupted throughout the hallway, rattling the bed frames.

Red shoots her head up and looks at me. "What was that?"

Eyes wide, I shrug. "I don't know; let's find out."

Red nods and begins to walk towards the door.

By now, several other Killjoys began gathering in the hallway to investigate on the noise.

The lights came on and I see that smoke is coming out from underneath one of the bedrooms; Jet Star's bedroom.

Gerard pushes through everyone and kicks the door open, causing smoke to fill the hallway. He freezes when the smoke clears up and stares into the bedroom.

"What's wrong, Party?" Wolf asks, stepping beside him.

"Jet Star is dead."

The White Fox  |book 1|Where stories live. Discover now