~Chapter 1~

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(~A/N I only own what I make @Descendants1232021 came up with the story line and the title TW SWEARING AND ABUSE TW ~)

Mal's pov

"Ben?" I asked knocking on his office holding a pregnancy stick. "Mal i'm busy I've got to go out with the boys." Ben said as he pushed passed me. "Ben the boy's won't mind if your a little late" I told him. "Mal just stop it. You know i'm busy." "You told me you'd never be to busy for me" I shouted as he left the castle.  "Mal are you ok?" Belle asked me as she walked around the corner. I quickly shoved the pregnancy test into my pocket and wiped my tears away. "I'm fine, it doesn't matter anymore. Ben's go out to the pub with the boys." I told Belle before walking back to my room.  I grabbed a photo of me and Ben getting engaged and threw it and the wall before it shattered in to different pieces. I quickly packed a few of my clothes before teleporting to LA. I grabbed my phone and blocked everybody's numbers before laying down on my bed and crying. "It's just you and me baby. Your daddy has been to busy to spend time with me for a long time. Let's just make him feel how he made me feel." I said as I rubbed my unnoticeable bump. 

Ben's pov

"The 6 round put it on my card." I told the bartender as I gave him my card and Jay laughed. "Sorry we can no longer serve you as you've became drunk" The man told me as my phone started to ring "Hellllloooo ......... waiitt what ........  shit .....alright i'm on my way back now ......ok see you in a minute."  "Whhhhaaat uuppppp Mannnnn" "Mal's gone, shes disappeared." I told the group. "For fuck sake again?" Jay questioned. "I think it's worse this time. mums already set a search out in Auradon and the isle. Shes not in the country. I've got to go look for her. I don't know why she's ran off. lets your girls know for me." I told the guys before running back to the castle. "Mum?! Dad!!" "Ben!" They shouted running out of the family room. "Where had she gone." "We don't know but look? I found it in your bathroom bin." Dad said handing me a positive pregnancy test. "oh for fuck sake that's what she was trying to tell me for a bit now and I've been too busy to listen" I growled. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and phoned Mal. "............ Mal please come back it's Ben. I know your pregnant now and i'm sorry I didn't keep my promise. Please Mal" I said on the voice mail. I got Evie number up and rung her. "..... hey Evie it's me Ben ...... is Doug back from the pub yet. ........ and what did Carlos tell you ..... look Evie i'm sorry. She's pregnant and we need to fine her she pregnant and she's not in Auradon or on the isle. She can't be thinking. I know I didn't keep my promise. ........... thank you ....... see you in a bit."

Lonnie's pov. 

"Your fucking idiot" Jay shouting before slapping my face. "Now cover the mark up now before anyone sees it. and don't even think about going out looking for Mal. I'll know if you've left the house" he screamed into my face before leave the house again. I slid down the wall and cried

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