Chapter 1

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Title: The Necromancer's Cauldron

Summary: The world of necromancy is a frightening and unsettling one, and something that Zohar hopes to keep Drayce away from. But when a thought-to-be mythical cauldron is stolen from the museum and mysterious entities known as Wendigos are unleashed upon the city, Drayce learns firsthand just how treacherous the world of necromancy truly is...

Warnings: Necromancy, black magic, mentions of death, use of the myths of wendigos, and originally created myth and legends. Also the use of a few completely original characters.

AN: This isn't what I initially had planned for the third saga, but I wanted to explore necromancers and some of the many myths and legends I had conjured up for them. So, here we are! Also, I wanted to concentrate on Drayce and his budding relationship with Zohar. Not making excuses, just trying to entice you into reading~

This saga will also be purposely shorter than the previous two. I'm still on the fence whether to call this Saga 3 or Saga 2.2, this being a bonus book. Or something. Anyway, hope you enjoy~


Chapter 1:

The breathtaking beauty of Tutelage Forest was in equal parts relaxing and exhilarating. And as Drayce stood amongst the vibrant greenery and pools of crystal-clear water, today was no different.

However, there was one slight difference to his previous ventures into the labyrinth. Two actually, but it was the six-foot-tall sculpture of grey stone that had his full attention. A smooth, oval-shaped statue that had patches of emerald green moss, and lines etched into the stone.

It was nestled within a small nook of green foliage and brightly coloured flowers. It looked both natural, yet unusual. And that was the reason why Drayce and his guilds stood transfixed in before the anomaly.

The slight etchings within the stone seemed to take the form of a face. Two horizontal slits for eyes. and the lines of the mouth honestly reminded him of a feline pout.

"Huh, this thing is kinda cute," Drayce commented.

"It's also suspicious as shit," was Blayke's readied response.

Kamali took a cautious step forward, his hand raised out in front of him. Slowly, he brushed his fingertips over the smooth stone. "There's...mana stored within this stone. I think...we need to push it."


"No." Kamali pulled his hand back, a curious tilt of his head. "Push it over."

Drayce eyed the large stone with some trepidation. "You sure?" Not that he didn't trust Kamali, but it looked pretty solid. He couldn't eve estimate how heavy it was. Still, they had little else to go on. "Well, ok. This thing looks pretty heavy, though."

"I'll do it," Caelem volunteered as he stepped forward.

Faelen was also quick to step up. "I'll help!"

The two therians moved to stand either side of the sculpture. Caelem leaned down to inspect the base of the stone, searching for the ideal spot to get a decent and firm grip. He seemed to have found one a moment later as a look of concentration appeared on his face. The muscles in his arms and back tensed for another moment before he lifted the stone up off of its base. Where Faelen then helped him to throw the stone back, revealing it's underbelly.

Where an ancient switch and lock mechanism could be seen.

Before Drayce could marvel at the contraption, something that was no doubt built by the ancient celestians, the unmistakable sound of stone grinding against stone cut through the natural music of the labyrinth.

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