Chapter 13

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AN: AHH, I did it! The final chapter! Thanks so much to everyone who read this story from beginning to end. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. And that you look forward to the next project I have installed. It should be fun indeed. Appreciated you all and hope you'll wait expectantly for my next update. Until then, enjoy this last chapter of The Necromancer's Cauldron~


Chapter 13:

The labyrinth truly was a different place in the sunlight.

Drayce idly toyed with the bandages around his left arm as he looked around the clearing he had the unfortunate luck to be found captive in.

Now that he was able to better see his surroundings, the clearing was like any other he had previously encountered. It was open, lush with foliage and flora, with a cool pool of crystal-clear water. It would be an ideal location to sit and relax from exploration.

But the large black cauldron was an oddity.

It wasn't alone either.

A brown blanket. Discarded dark robes. Broken podium. Shreds of coarse rope. A silver knife stained with blood. With his blood.

Everything Drayce endured last night was very real.

A hand resting on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts. Drayce turned his head to the side, his gaze colliding with that of Blayke's.

"You ok?" he asked him.

Drayce gave a small smile. "Yeah, I'm all right."

Things were vastly different this time around. He wasn't alone. Far from it. Blayke, Zohar, Caelem, Faelen, Kamali, and their guest Shashi. Mustn't forget Nashoba and Theodore. He was surrounded by protective and concerned teammates.

Though, he had to admit that he was surprised that Ashton didn't insist on joining them. Being the determine caretaker he was. Yet, Drayce was glad that he remained in town. For him to watch over the remaining members of his guild. They were still recovering, after all.

He had also hoped to see Kyrell again. To find him in the labyrinth. Sleeping, like how they first met. So that he could thank him for what he did for him last night. And to show Zohar that he wasn't a threat. He couldn't be a threat.

Drayce gave a small shake of his head. He would have to search for Kyrell sometime later. He had something important he needed to contend with first.

What should he do with the Blood Cauldron?

"The presence of this thing is truly vile," Shashi murmured, his nose scrunched up in distain. His expression soon softened, however, as he turned to his brother. And with a raised hand, gently curled a strand of Kamali's hair behind his ear. "You're more sensitive than I, so stay back."

Looking slightly pale, Kamali managed to give a small nod of his head. "Y-yes. Just try not to touch it."

Shashi gave him a reassuring smile before his expression became stoic as he moved toward the cauldron to inspect it. As Shashi moved away, Faelen popped up by Kamali's side and took a hold of his arm.

"I don't like it either," he said. "Maybe we should walk around and inspect the area."

Kamali gave the sweet rover a small smile. "Yes, that would be preferable."

"Don't wander too far, ok?" Drayce couldn't stop himself from being protective.

He received smiles from the two, Kamali's polite and patient, while Faelen's was innocent and cheerful. The pair, with Nashoba in tow, moved toward the natural walls of the clearing, perhaps choosing to stay close to the gentle greenery to take their minds off of the hideous relic located in the centre.

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