Chapter 2

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AN: Whew, finally got this chapter done, despite the migraine from hell the last three days. With that, I hope you enjoy reading.


Chapter 2:

It was shortly after dinner that Drayce made his way to the library. Ramus was pleased to learn of his discovery, unsurprisingly. He was also quite relieved; now the law-abiding guilds had their fair chance of exploring the labyrinth, as well. And were able to do so without resorting to less than illegal and unsafe methods.

Drayce, too, would have been greatly relieved that he had fulfilled his duty to Ramus. Yet, he was preoccupied.

Ever since he had learned of the existence of rules and laws of Necromancy, it had his eternal interest. As nosy and inquisitive as he was, he knew little of the world of necromancers. Not entirely his fault as necromancers, especially those who were celestians, were secretive of their skills and talents.

He was sure that they had reasons to be so cautious. Self-preservation or protectiveness. Bit of both, maybe.

But he was also incredibly curious to what those rules were. They were something that left Zohar unsettled, angry even. He wished to know why. To better understand Zohar. To better understand necromancers.

Wanting to learn more and actually knowing what to look for to know more were two different things, however. And the library was filled to the brim with books and tomes. So, he was literally just wandering the aisles and bookcases, idly trailing fingertips along the book spines.

Man, was the library always so big? How many books were there? He'd need ten lifetimes to read them all!

"What brings you to the library, Drayce?"

"Oh hey, Shashi." Thank goodness, someone who actually knows his way around the library. "Well, I'm just looking up necromancy."

Shashi gave a curious tilt of his head as he folded his arms loosely over his chest. "That's quite a broad topic. Anything in particular?"

"Rules, specifically." Drayce rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, granting Shashi a lopsided, somewhat apologetic grin. "I happened to overhear a conversation between Zohar and a Celestian. She wanted him to, well, resurrect a deceased loved one. I was just curious to how many rules would be broken if someone tried."

"Ah, I see," Shashi said, yet he didn't look even a little bit surprised by his newfound interest. "You've chosen quite the intriguing, if dark topic. Though, it is good to know the rules. I can't imagine you breaking any of them."

"Well, I certainly hope I won't." Drayce followed Shashi as he moved quietly toward another role of bookcases. "You know them? The rules?"

Shashi gave a slight nod of his head as he trailed a single finger along the book spines. "They were a subject I studied while at the Tower of Magic. Quite intriguing, if I am to be honest. Though, it is a subject that many Celestians would rather keep to themselves."

Drayce abruptly remembered the sight of a troubled Zohar walking away, his back and shoulders carrying the tension he was obviously feeling. "Zohar wasn't very forthcoming."

"I imagine he wouldn't be," Shashi returned, somewhat dismissively. "Though, it's likely born out of protectiveness."

Yeah, that was sure to be the reason. He understood that. Yet, the reason behind that protectiveness was also added to the motivation Drayce to learn more. To hopefully ease his concerns.

"Here." Shashi finally plucked an old, leather-bound book from the tall bookcase. He offered it toward Drayce, the lettering of the front cover faded and almost unreadable. "This book should help sedate some of your curiosity. If only for a little while. I do suggest you don't dive too deeply. It's a sensitive subject."

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