Chapter 3

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AN: Whew, sorry for the wait. Been a hectic couple of weeks, especially health wise. Also, this chapter turned out longer than expected. Isn't that always the way? Anyway, hope you enjoy reading!


Chapter 3:

"This floor is just filled with those damn stone walls and statues."

Drayce could only nod along to Blayke's grumbling. He was right, though. They had been walking around the third floor for about twenty-minutes already, choosing to be cautious by inspecting their surroundings. They didn't want to simply plough along, pushing over statues without first taking note of their environment. After all, the stone walls could unleash something they rather not deal with.

Yet, it seemed the only way to move forward through the floor was to do just that.

"Our best bet is to push over every statue we come across and hope we'll eventually find the stairs to the next floor," Drayce mused.

He felt kinda bad about it, honestly. The statues were rather adorable, after all. He wondered who made them; celestians? From ancient texts, they were the ones who prepared the labyrinth to be sealed shortly after the Legendary War, so they were likely the ones.

Why golems, though? They must have some significance. He might have to ask for more of Shashi's endless wisdom.

Nashoba suddenly standing to attention immediately pulled Drayce from his idle musings. He glanced down at the white wolf, taking note of how he was staring forward, ears straight up on the top of his head and his tail stock still. He didn't appear aggressive or anxious, however.

Faelen ran his fingers through the fur of his wolf companion, instinctively reassuring him. "I think there's someone else here."

That wasn't much of a surprise. There had been an influx of explorers lately, after all.

Bolstered by Nashoba's curious reaction, Drayce led the party in the direction the loyal wolf was focused in. A few moments later, they encountered a small alcove amongst the greenery and trees.

And at the base of a particularly luscious tree sat a figure. Head down, arms across the chest, breathing softly. Next to him, sat on the ground was a black ball with a yellow beak and two yellow bird feet.

Drayce felt the corner of his mouth twitched into an amused half smile as he hushed his bemused teammates. It was the guy from yesterday. Asleep. Much in the same position as yesterday, too! He hoped the guy hadn't slept all night in the labyrinth.

Before Drayce could call out to them, Raven, the little blob noticed them first. If the loud, chirp-like noise it made was any indication. It was enough to stir necromancer Kyrell from his slumber; a snort followed by the righting of the head. He quickly turned his head in Drayce's direction, catching his gaze immediately.

"Ah," Kyrell uttered as a polite smile spread across his lips. "We meet again."

"With you sleeping," Drayce countered, having no hesitancy in approaching the other man. "Do you have a habit of sleeping in the labyrinth?"

Kyrell stretched his arms over his head, completely relaxed and unfazed. "Ah, I suppose I do. I have the tendency to fall asleep in random places. It can be rather...what's the word, unwise?"

There was probably a lot of other words to describe it, but he'd go with that. "I can certainly understand that."

Blayke nudged at Drayce's shoulder to get his attention. "Is this the guy you told us about yesterday?"

Drayce nodded. "Right. Anyway, let me introduce you to my guild. This is Blayke, Kamali, Caelem, Faelen and Nashoba. Guys, this is Kyrell."

As a series of polite greetings were exchanged, two little appendages sprouted out from Raven's sides. They appeared to be wings, he using them to take to the air momentarily. And to perch himself on the top of Drayce's head.

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