Chapter 5

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Suna ran into the room where a pulsing glowing cocoon was glowing. The tiny HiveWing turned his face to Suna nervously. "C-Crescent started Metamorphosis early...and he's a flamesilk." Suna growled. "Sandsnorter. I had a marvellous revelation and now this moons above flamesilk decided to metamorphosis. Now I have to wait 5 days!" Cypress growled. "Yeah, well, just tell us. We can tell Crescent when he gets out." Suna sighed. "...Alright. I know the SandWing spy." She felt eyes turn to her. "It's General Sulcata." A gasp echoed through the room. Isonade quivered. "H-How do we tell Queen Panthera about it?" Frostelle shot a look at Suna. "Morally." Moonflower growled. "Just tell it to her, plain and simple. All leafspeakers on command." Halo looked at her boredly. "Well. None of us really have leafspeak unless you do. Plus, Queen Panthera is our host. We would probably get kicked out if we did that." Mystique quivered. "Well... while all that's good... a NightWing went missing." The entire room went silent. Stardreamer was the one to break the silence. "What...?" Mystique looked at Stardreamer nervously. "It's... worse. It's your mother Stardreamer." Stardreamer let out a half wail, half hiss. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the palace. "Smokesnorters! Total smokesnorters!" A large SkyWing-SandWing hybrid flew to a perch and landed, making a hiss and a laugh at the same time. "Well, well, well. Look at my luck! I hope you enjoy dying."

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