# 4 : SANS!!!

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"heheh.. so, what does a funky skeleton like to play?"

Papyrus grumbled somehing before yelling out, "TROMBONE??"

"hehe, nope. a saxo-bone." Sans laughed quietly to himself, taking a swig of ketchup.

"UGH, SANS!!! THAT WAS AWFUL!" Papyrus said, his fist banging on the table for a moment before taking a chomp out of a fry. "THE FOOD IS SO GREASY HERE, I DON'T SEE WHY YOU LIKE IT SO MUCH."

"eh, the ketchup is good. okok - here's another one. why are skeletons such bad miners?"

I grinned a little, "cuz they can't go more than six feet under." I said, taking a few fries and stuffing them in my mouth.


"Would you believe me if I said they were always like this?" Brandon laughed.


me and Sans crack up before I decided to pop a pun. "You know, my brother rides a motorcycle.."

They all stared in confusion.

"guess he's bad to bone." I said with a sly smirk, with Papyrus losing his shit. Sans started dying of laughter, "god, kid! how have i never heard that one??"

"I dunno. Hey, who's the best skeleton wrestler?"

"ME, OBVIO-" "Bone cold." Papyrus paused before his face flushed orange, his fists balled up. "I SWEAR TO ALL ITALIAN CUISINE, THAT WAS AWFUL!!! YOU'RE WORST THAN SANS!"

"Oh, really? Pun fest, let's see who's REALLY the worst."

"oh, bring it, kid."

"What did the skeleton call the math test?"


"Utter non-sans." I smiled cheekily.

"heh, good one.. what's a skeleton's favorite plant?"

"Uhhh.. A bone-zai tree?" I chuckled, which Sans sighed. "so sad, you knew that one."

"Whatever, heh. What did the skeleton say when nobody got his joke?"

"um.. i'm not sure."

"Come on, throw me a bone!" I cracked up, tearing up a little from laughter.

"why do skeletons suck at lying?"

"Dunno sans, why?"

"eveybody can see right through them!"

"Damn, that's good.. What do you call a skeleton snake?"


"Pffft- No! a bone rattler!"

"okokok - why are skeletons so weak?"

".. Hm."

"because they have no muscles!"

"Sans, that's not even a pun!" Brandon rolled his eyes. "YES, I AGREE! I'D SAY THE WORST OUT OF YOU TWO IS [NAME]."

"dang, i got out-punned.. good job, kiddo."

"Why are you calling me kiddo? I'm nearly a foot taller than you."

"yet i'm older than you. how strange."

"No you're not! You don't even know how old I am."

"you're 19, right? i'm 3 months older than you, heh."

"Who told you-?!" "brandon."

I shot a dirty glare at Brandon, who laughed nervously. "Hey, I mean, at least he won't miss your birthday, right..?" He smiled anxiously, shrugging as he did so.

I sigh and melt back into the booth, eating a few more fries.

Something in my SOUL told me that me and Sans were going to be good friends.













* This situation is familiar to you.

* Lurking far in the corner, a dark figure smiled widely, a shiny knife in hand.

* Feeling watched, you look behind yourself.


* But nobody was there.

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