# 6 : DREAM

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I woke with a start, heavily breathing as I stare up into the sky.

It didn't even seem to exist.

I sat up in panic.


Everything was white, yet seemed so misty.

It was like the whole atmosphere was mist.

I stare at my hands.

They faded out into the deep white.

I didn't even seem to exist, I was just a ghost in a whisper of time.

I stood up.

I began walking.. well, floating as I looked around the endless void.

It seemed to just be pure white all around, though I notuced the smallest speck of color in the mist.

I perked up and began floating quickly to the speck.

It expanded to a shape of a person.

It was hard to tell any features, I could see the large brush and acarf they adorned, along with overalls that hung around their waist and the plain white shirt with blue and brown gloves. They were barefoot, I believe.

I tried to speak, but I couldn't.

* You called for help...




The person turned around, seeming to give a kind smile as they held out their hand.

Their voice was distorted and jumbled as scenary began to form.

My body seemed to lose control of itself as it grabbed their hand, interlocking fingers as I was brought beside them.




* And somebody came.

[ SURFACE - LEVEL . ] : UNDERTALE MULTIVERSE #Where stories live. Discover now