Part 4 -Nightmares-

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  From afar , Morpheus was watching Mariana drive away. "Matthew.  I need to keep an eye on Mari. I believe there is more to come" Morpheus said to his raven sitting on his shoulder.
"No problem,boss" said Matthew bowing then flying away , fallowing Mari home.


"Annie please.  Stop. Dont!!" Mari woke up with a jolt. It been a about two weeks since the incident with her friend. Mariana had been having continuous nightmares over it. "Ugh. When will it stop" Mari said annoyed   She sat up in her bed laying against her headboard looking up at the ceiling. "Morpheus. When will it stop" she said with a single tear going down her cheek.  

All of a sudden she heard a caw at her window. She looked over seeing a Raven sitting on her window seal. 

" Morpheus must of sent you" she said looking over at the bird , getting up , letting in the bird.

" He did. He sent me for me to watch after you" said the raven.

"And what might I call you dear bird of the night" said Mari.

"It's Matthew ma'am" he said.

"It's nice to meet you Matthew but seriously tell dream to stop giving me nightmares. I haven't gotten any sleep since the incident" said Mari closing the window and Matthew flew to her bed. Mari walking away towards the bathroom. Matthew followed

"That's why he's sent me. Trying to figure out why you keep having the reoccurring nightmare." Said Matthew looking up at Mari watching her brush her teeth.

"We'll why hasn't he stopped it?" She asked with her mouth full of toothpaste.

"He's tried.  He's believe that you've accidentally got connected to the book somehow because the love for your friend. Again the book likes to attach itself to a person full of love" said Matthew.

"He's right about the love for a friend but I was full of anger with Annie in the moment. There was no love displayed in that time" said Mariana spitting out toothpaste and rinsing out her toothbrush. 

"Ah. Then that makes thing a bit more complicated. So why did the book attach to you." Matthew pondered.

"I don't know. Is Morpheus watching right now Matthew" asked Mari.

"Not at the moment. He left to take care of something." Said Matthew.

"Okay. We'll relay this message that I had no love in sight in that moment but anger. Even if that won't help.  But the book didn't attach to me because the love for a friend but something else but what?" said Mari. 

"Alright but do you mind opening the window" said Matthew.

"Sure" said Mari. Walking back over to the window opening it for Matthew "Be careful on your flight back Matthew" 

"I will be ma'am. I'm sure will meet again" said Matthew and he flew away.

"Goodbye bird of the night" Mari said waving goodbye and closed the window.

"We'll I guess I better get dressed and continue writing my book" said Mari walking away from the window.

"Sir.  I've come to reply a message from Mariana" said Matthew.

"What she say" asked Morpheus

"We'll fist of she's ferrous for the nightmares and asking Why Dream hasn't stopped them" said Matthew

"She definitely sound angry. She only calms me dream when's she frustrated with me" said Morpheus  smile a bit "but did you explain why"

"I did and she understood but the thing is, She said she had no feelings of love towards her friend but anger in the moment. I think she hated her for what she's done" said Matthew

"We'll that complicate things more" said Morpheus "So why did the book attach to her" he pounded

"How long have you know Mariana?" Questioned Matthew

"Forever. There's not been a year when something goes wrong in her life and she has to call me for help. She a smart girl. She knows when something is not supposed to be in the waking world and alerts me" said Morpheus looking through thousand of books for an answer.

"This might be a hunch sir but when someone had know someone forever. They tend to develop attraction to one another. Ether platonic or romantic" said Matthew.

"There's no way she's develop attraction towards me ether being platonic or romantic. It doesn't work that way for the endless" said Morpheus

"Maybe for the endless but not mortals" said Matthew. " Its just a hunch sir.  I could be very wrong but it's not a bad place to start" said Matthew.

"We'll if you are right how am I supposed to know if she had , Matthew?" Said Morpheus.

"You could visit her tonight and tell her that I'm away for business for you and that you wanted to personally keep an eye on her" said Matthew "and pay attention to her emotions. See if she portrays any affection towards you"  

"That might work". Said Morpheus "You are very good raven , Matthew".

"I'm just doing my job sir" said Matthew

"You may go" said Morpheus. And with that Matthew flew away   " Lucienne !" He called.

"Yes Dream" she answered.

"I need you to look over the castle for a bit . I'm gonna be out for some business that might take a while. I will send Matthew if I need help or anything happens." He said to Lucienne  

"Of course sir. Be careful while you're out on business. I can't have you going away for another thousand of centuries" she said.

"Of course" replied Dream vanishing into thin air


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