Part 6 -falling-

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   Morpheus woke up first seeing that Mariana was still asleep in his arms. He watched her peacefully sleeping. "She so beautiful. What haven't I ever noticed her beauty before" Morpheus thought He moved his hand moving stray hairs out of her face. He couldn't help and stare at her in awe.

"Morpheus?" She said stirring awake. Morpheus laid still afraid to wake her. Mariana moving around finally just rolled to opposite direction away from Morpheus. Morpheus took that as a chance to get up. He didn't want to disturb her sleeping. After all she didn't much sleep, since the incident. He walked out of her room and quietly shut the door.

Mariana awoke to a pecking at her window. She opened her eyes to see Matthew. She got up and let him in.

"Where's Morpheus?" Mari asked Matthew with a yawn

"Morpheus sent me to keep an eye on you. He apologize for leaving. He had some stuff to take care of" said Matthew.

"That's fine. He can't keep his realm waiting after all" Mari said yawning again

"Morpheus also wanted me to tell you that he's made you some breakfast and sorry he couldn't join you." He said.

"Huh" Mari said "That man may seem so cold hearted at times but deep down he truly cares. He just doesn't want his emotions get in the way of his work". Mari let Matthew in and closed the window.
She headed to her closest to get some clothes to change into and went to that bathroom to get ready.

"Matthew. I'm gonna take a shower. If I'm not out of in 2 hours get help" Mari yelled from the bathroom.

"Okay" cawed Matthew.


A few minutes later. Mariana was out of the shower, dressed and heading to the kitchen to eat. She had put on a warm sweater and cute ripped jeans ,  let her hair down wet from the shower and a pair of fuzzy socks on.

Morpheus had fixed her eggs and a assortment of fruits for breakfast. "How nice. He really knows what I like" she said to her self and sat down at the table  and started eating. Then she stopped and looked at Matthew across from we're she sat "aren't you hungry as well?" She asked.

"No ma'am but thank you" Matthew declined politely.

" We'll I can't eat all this fruit by myself. If you would  like some even if you aren't hungry,  you're more than welcome to have some" Mari said pushing some fruit toward Matthew

"Thank you. Ma'am." Matthew said and ate a bit of fruit.

Mari opened her laptop after finish eating and started working on her book.

" What do you plan on doing today?" Matthew asked

"Not much. I'm working on a book I'm writing and maybe go out for a walk down the street" she said focusing on her book.

"Can I see what you've written so far" asked Matthew

"Sure. I like some feedback" she said inviting Matthew over to read some of her work.

" Wow. This is really good" cawed Matthew All of a sudden Thomas jumped up on the table eyeing Matthew. "Your not going let him eat me. Are you?" Matthew said gulping.

"No. I won't let him but doesn't mean he won't try" Mariana said. "Plus I don't think Morpheus would be to pleased on losing another raven"

"I second that" Matthew said.

"I'll just put him outside for a while. He likes to room in the woods anyway and come back at sundown" Mari said picking up Thomas and putting him outside "There that should keep you from getting eaten"  

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