Part 8 -The Dreaming-

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   "Welcome to the dreaming,Mari" said Morpheus  

Mari took a look around only to see an ocean and black sand as far as the eye can see. 

"Morpheus. This is just a beach" Mari said dumbfounded

"This is the outskirts. We are not even at the palace yet" said Morpheus a bit insulted

"Ahh" said Mari "Wait, you have a palace!" She said surprised "How come you never told me" 

"Some things are just best kept secret" said Morpheus smiling "Come now. Follow me to the gates"

Morpheus turned and started walking away we're Mari was still standing. Morpheus stopped and turned to look at Mari
"Are you coming?" He said impatiently.

"Oh , uh , yes" said Mari catching up to Morpheus. They walk for a couple of minutes, until they came upon this huge wall of  etchings. The carvings on the wall were filled with ravens, beautiful women, captivating scenery, mystical creatures and of corse Morpheus himself. And right in the middle of the gates was an huge replica of his helm.

Mari was standing in awe of the beautiful artwork that stood before her. "Am I dreaming this?" She asked looking over at Morpheus standing beside her.

"No. This is quite real. Your not dreaming" he said looking down at her with those icy eyes. "Do you like it. It took my ages to get everything perfect" Morpheus asked

"You made this" she said surprised "It's beautiful Morpheus. I would honestly love for you to make me something like this. I would forever be in your honor" Mari was so stunned at beautiful masterpiece that Morpheus made.  Morpheus walked up to the wall and placed his hand on it. Then the wall started to separate to reveal the most stunning world you could ever imagine. This world was filled with life and magic. And far out in the distance laid a palace with gorgeous, gigantic mystical creatures guarding it and a lake in front with a bridge; which seemed to be held up with stone hands. 

"This is my home" said Morpheus "everything you see, I made. This is my realm. The dreaming realm" 

Mariana was too stunned for words. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Morpheus" she finally spoke

"Yes" he answered

"It's beautiful. I'm lost for words. You made all of this" Mari looked up at him with stars in her eyes "I just really took the realm to be as dark and gloomy as you but not this array of color and life"

"Thank you.  Mari   I take pride in my realm. Plus dreams are not always dark and gloomy but can be full of light" he said watching Mari soak in the scenery before her "Now come. The palace awaits" he said taking her hand and leading towards the palace. 

They reach to the front of the palace and enter the throne room.

"Wow. Morpheus your throne room is just as beautiful as your realm. I love how you have the celling look like the outside sky" she said looking around the throne room. 

"Thank you" said Morpheus "I've always wanted to bring you here but the timing was never right.  I thought you enjoy being here"

"I do very much. It's nothing like the waking world" Mari said

"We'll of course.  Dreams do come true here, after all" he said with a smile and a wink. Mari blushed.

Thump, thump , thump

"Dream. Your back" said a lady dressed really fancy, chocolate brown skin and very pointy ears. She had a very warm and welcoming smile. 

"Lucienne" said Morpheus with a big smile "This is Mariana. My very dear friend I've told you about"

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