Date Plans

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The two stared at the doorway that Stan's father had just left from. "He didn't seem too upset" Kyle said breaking the silence and looking over to read the goths expression. Surprisingly Stan just shrugged, not looking too fazed. "My Dad is 19 year old pop singer Lord.  He gets horny watchingthe food channel. He has no right to judge me." He said looking to the ginger with a smirk.

Kyle couldn't help but chuckle a little, the boy in front of him was too cute. "So does this mean that you're agreeing to go out with me?" The ginger asked wrapping his arms around the smaller boys waist.

Stan put his arms around Kyle's neck, blushing as he nodded, "so where do you plan on taking me?" The raven haired boy asked while nuzzling into to gingers neck.

Kyle's grin grew and he squeezed Stan a little tighter in his arms. "Well there's this Halloween party at Clyde's place tomorrow.  Everyone will be there, and I figured they'd all like to see you."

Stan looked up to meet the taller boys gaze and then looked away unsure. "It's been what, over 2 years? What if nobody wants me there? I don't want to ruin the party." He said with a light hint of fear.

"Well there's me, and I definitely want you there. Plus the reason it's been so long is because you stay here in your shell. I think it would be a really good idea for you to get out and reconnect. And of course I will be beside you the whole time, occasionally grabbing your ass" Kyle reassured him with a smirk.

Stan's face darkened a little as the ginger smacked him on the butt. "Okay, I don't know what I have for a costume tho..."

"Oh I'm sure I could find you something" Kyle said still smirking. "I have a few things that would probably fit you. Tho one of them I don't think I dare let you leave my room wearing."

Stan just hid his face into Kyle's chest and made a small whine that gave away just how embarrassed he was at the thought.

Kyle picked up the smaller boy so that they appeared the same height and kissed him passionately before setting him back down.

Stan's knees shook as he tried to regain balance. "So you'll be picking me up tomorrow? Or..."

The redhead nodded, "I'll come over early, then bring you over to my house so you can change before we go."

Stan nodded, he was kinda nervous, but really excited too. "I will let my dad know that I'm not going to be able to help him too much tomorrow."

Kyle was happy to hear and see his best friend seem excited, less depressed, and actually be into him. 'Damn I should just ask him to be my boyfriend right now.' He thought to himself impatiently, but corrected himself. 'No, I need to give this a little more time. At least wait until after tomorrow's date, see how things go.'

Stan could see the wheels turning within the gingers brain, he couldn't help but wonder what he could be thinking about. Needing time to pause just shortly, the goth leaned into the other for another kiss. This one a little longer than the last, the potential to start another heated makeout session.  But they were once again interrupted, this time by Stan's mother calling him in for dinner.

The ginger just smiled down at the boy who held his heart, "go on, I'll see you tomorrow."

Reunion In Costume (Goth Stan X Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now