Descendants: Wicked World Part 3

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Chapter 3:

"Well, well, well," Freddie chuckles. "The famous Auradon kids."

"Okay, Freddie," Mal steps in. "Retract your claws."

"But I just got them sharpened," she smirks, admiring her nails.

Halina smirks with her arms crossed as Audrey gasps at the sharp nails. "She's joking," the goddess continues smirking. "Not really," she adds with a chuckle.

"Awwwww look at these two," Freddie points at Ben and Audrey. "It's adorable," Audrey smiles proudly, "it's sickening."

"Hey, you can't talk about us like that!" Audrey exclaims, pointing back.

"Uhh, Freddie," Halina steps in while placing a hand on her shoulder. "Mal and Ben are the couple," the blue-haired goddess explains.

"I know, it spreads through the Isle," Freddie smirks at her dear friend. "And what pranktale are you gonna do about it?" she asked the princess in pink.

"I'll....I'll....I'll...." she couldn't find the words.

"Thought so," Freddie giggles, admiring her sharpened nails.

"I will fight you!" Audrey finally speaks.

That made Freddie and Halina share a laugh. "You can't fight against a being in the spiritual world without the proper measurements," Halina explains with a smirk.

"We really need to teach them how to smack-talk," Evie suggests with her arms crossed, smirking.

"Do you remember what yo mama's fights used to have?" Halina smirks at her princess best friend.

Mal and Evie join in giving them examples of smack-talk.

"Yo mama is so soft, she' a pillow!" Audrey tries and fails.

"Well, what do you know," Freddie gets in between, "those guys are even more lame than I imagine."

"Hey, we may not frown and wear black, but we are not lame," Audrey firmly tells Freddie.

"Yea!" Ben agrees.

"Black is a happy color, thank you very much," Halina sarcastically explains, a bit annoyed.

"We can be rotten just like you guys," the young king adds.

"Yea! We can?" Audrey glares at him. "Yea, we can."

Halina shakes her head when they break a mug and immediately regards it.

"Watching them do this is worse than any punishment that my mother ever gave me," Mal explains to Evie and Halina.

"Yea, we better get out of here before anyone else knows," Halina mentions. "Ghosts love to gossip sometimes." Then she senses another energy. She turns her head towards where it is, but it's gone.

"I don't even know how we got here," Mal admits. "I was rubbing paint off of Jordan's lamp and then....that's it! The lamp!" They realized it. "We wish we can tell her how to-"

Smoke surrounds the teenagers once again before reappearing in.....Jordan's lamp!

"Hey, Jordan," the Underworld goddess nervously greets, "big problem."

A gemmed frame picture has a picture of everyone with an angry Jordan. "Jordan Has Lemonade Meltdown".

Everyone tries to explain to the genie girl what happened, but she interrupts, "Excuse me, who drops into someone's lamp unannounced?"

"Sorry, I didn't know you can drop into a lamp," Mal smirks sarcastically.

"You can't be here dressing like that," Jordan points to Mal's outfit.

"Your lamp has a dress code?"

"Of course! I don't live in a jar. Ben, I'll spare you," she winks with a smile. "No dude can rock the bare hand since my dad!"

"Thanks," he thanked, unsurely.

Jordan magically transforms the girls into more genie-like.

Halina's outfit changes into something similar to Freddie's, but with gray pants and a black top with gray trimmings. Her boots are replaced with her silver sandals. Everything else is normal. The girls have different emotions about it, but the young goddess likes hers since it's similar to what she normally wears.

"Wait a minute, are we in Auradon?" Freddie asked, smiling.

"No matter where we are, I'm perfect!" Audrey likes her new look.

"If we are in the lamp, then we must be really tiny," Ben points out the obvious.

"Nothing gets passed King Obvious," Freddie smiles at him.

"King Obviously Cute," Mal comments, smiling.

"That's my legal name," Ben joins in with the......flirting?

"Uhh, guys?" Halina speaks up, a little uncomfortable. "I sense there's someone else here," she looks behind. "Oh, that's weird, it's gone.

Freddie pretends to sneeze. "Sorry, I'm allergic to lamps."

"I have allergies too," Ben tells her. "I get them from my dad."

"Oh, yeah, I got dolls from my day."

"That's not bad."

"Voodoo dolls, Ben," the blue-haired goddess explains with a smirk and hands on her hips.

"That's creepy."

"Yea my dad's all about the other side," she uses her "ghostly" hands to scare him.

"There's nothing wrong of having a hobby."

"He's so obsessed with ghosts that he remembers all of their death days and doesn't remember my birthday," she rolls her eyes.

"My dad loves birthdays that he even made this funny birthday dance. I wish you can see it."

"Oh, how I wish! Since we are here in Auradon it will be a hoot!"

"Okay, easy now, Freddie," Halina walks forward, separating them, chuckling. "You're acting a little too girly for my taste. Is your little sister like this?"

"Give or take," Freddie shrugs.

"But yet, you still love me," Evie smiles big while hugging Halina from behind.

"Yes, I do, Evie," she smiles and hugs back.

"How about you join us at Auradon Prep?" Ben offers to their new friend.

"Really?!" Halina's smile grew more.

"Another one?!" Audrey's surprised.

"Ben, that's really nice of you-"

"I love to!" Freddie interrupts Mal, smiling.

"We have to set you up with a roommate and-"

"As much I love seeing a new student resignation," Jordan speaks up, gaining everyone's attention, "but can we do this later and preferably not around me? And not in my house? I'm telling you to go."

"Okay, how do we get out here?" Mal asked.

"Same way you go in, wish your way out. Wish number three. Bye!" She wanted them out of her lamp.

"You really want to waste your last wish of getting out of here?" Evie asked.

"If you stay here any longer, it's all you be wishing for," Jordan explains.

"Okay, I wish for us to get out of here," Mal grants the wish.

A picture shows Jordan with an empty lamp posting with, "Where did Mal and the Gang Go?"

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