Descendants: Wicked World Part 4

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Chapter 4:

Evie and Halina volunteer in helping Freddie around Auradon. One place, in particular, is their Good class.

"So, I seriously need to take a class called, "Remendal Goodness"?" Freddie asked as they enter the Mess Hall.

"Unfortunately, yes," Halina sighs, "with a two-hour exam about smiling," she adds with her hand on her hip.


"Smiling is super important in Auradon," Evie explains with a smile. "Let's see what you got."

Freddie shows her best "smile", making her childhood friend smirk. "Try less teeth." She does. "Better, but your eyes still look villainy. Try smeying," the daughter of the Evil Queen suggests.


"It's smiling with your eyes," the daughter of Hades explains, smiling. "It's something that the good people do." Then she sees food on the tables. "Oh! Looks like lunch is ready." The three girls walk toward the tables. "Think of it like the cooking and baking that the dead chefs and bakers did back at home," Halina explains to Freddie, "but way better. Oh!" Her combat boot hits something on the floor. "Sorry!"

"That's Ruby, Rapunzel's daughter," Audrey explains about the really long golden locks. "Her hair leaves ten minutes after she does and she really needs to do something about those split ends." Audrey picks up the ends but gets slapped by them before leaving.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Dive in!" Ben announces.

Just when they are about to, Freddie asked, "What is all this fruit-fruit stuff? I don't wanna any of glance this....." then she sniffs something delicious. "Okay! Give me some of the puffed deliciousness!" She excitedly grabs hands full of sweets and eats them. "So good!" Freddie says with a mouth filled with treats.

"What's that?" Halina chuckles through her grey lips. "I couldn't hear you over the puffed deliciousness."

"I wish I have more mouth!"

"Friendly word of advice," Halina gives her a plate, "it's not right to steal in Auradon."

"I know," Evie joins. "Weird, right? Why have it out if you don't want it stolen?"

"Exactly," Freddie pops another treat in her mouth.

Evie and Halina smile at each other before giggling at their friend's excitement.

"I can get used to this!" Freddie grins. She's enjoying the food so much that she didn't notice Lonnie is in the way. They bump into each other and a piece of tart hits the floor. "Get your own buffet table," Freddie almost growls.

Halina smirks as Lonnie walks away. Freddie has a lot to learn. "Were we that bad when we came here?" she asked, blocking the mysterious energy.

"Oh, no," Evie answers. "We were the picture of elegance."

They bite into their favorite treat as a picture of the three was taken with the message, "They say puffed deliciousness?"

"Hey, guys," the familiar voice of Thomas Rolfe greets as he walks over with a smile.

"Hey, Thomas!" Halina greets happily, entering into his welcoming arms.

"How are you, my love?" he asked smiling, wrapping his arms tighter around her body.

"I am doing well."

They both kiss before smiling again. "I heard we have a new student joining us," he mentions.

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