Descendants: Wicked World Part 7

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Chapter 7:

Giggles appear through the grey lips when Evie tells her BFFFL that she has become the Queen of Neon Lights Ball or QNLB. Princess Evie is everything the Fairest One of Them All is all about to her personality, intelligence, and of course, appearance.

"What's with the squealing all about?" Thomas asked Halina, meeting her at her locker.

"Evie got crowned as Queen of Neon Lights Ball," she answers, giggling more.

"Oh, really?" he smiles. "You two were pretty close for the crown," he wraps his arms around her small waist.

"I already know I wasn't going to win," the goddess confessed, placing her pale hands on his arms. "Evie has everything a queen needs to be when ruling a kingdom."

"You are everything a Lady needs to be when ruling the Underworld," Thomas smirks, making her blush again.

"You really think so?"

"I know so." They kiss each other. "You got everything ready for your sleepover with the girls after the Neon Lights Ball?"

"Of course," Halina tells him. "The girls will also be at the local tea shop for a little girl time before meeting with you and the guys for the Ball."

"Are you going to wear a dress?" he asked.

She smirks. "Are you going to wear your English clothing?"

The older man playfully glares while growling a little. "The English clothing is for formal events, besides, you like my Native American clothing better," he smirks back.

"But I like both!"

"Let's make a deal then, you wear your casual dress and I'll wear my Native American clothing."

"Don't we always?" Halina makes combat.

Thomas laughs, dipping her down in the middle of the hallway. "That's my goddess!" he smiles, pulling her into a kiss.

She happily kisses him back with her weak ankle out to the side. Oh, gods, Halina's one lucky goddess!

The next day, the daughter of Hades meets up with the other girls at the local tea shop enjoying some tea and sweets. Her outfit for the whole day is a black ankle-length dress with skulls and blue roses on the skirt, black tights, and her leather jacket. Her signature skully jewelry, makeup, and ponytail with feathers are still present.

"Normally, I would prefer a cramped lamp environment," Jordan speaks, "but this is definitely my fav," she smiles.

"Thanks," Ally smiles.

"Wicked dress!" Mal smiles at the blond, commenting on her dress. "It'll be great tonight!"

"Thank you, I'm sure your dress will be amazing," she smiles back.

"Uhh, Ally?" Halina joins, placing her tea down. "She is wearing her dress for tonight like all of us."

"I know! And it!" The daughter of Alice didn't seem comfortable.

"Good one!" Jordan whispers loudly with a teasing smirk. "She totally didn't get that you don't like it!"

"Did anyone say you're a bad whisperer?" Mal asked, not impressed.

"No, they totally have it!" she does it again.

"Guys!" Audrey comes in, panicking. "Emergency!"

"Someone hurt?" Jane asked, concerned.


"A soul departing from a body?" Halina asked with a grin.

"What? No!"

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