Chapter 5 | L's origins

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Despite the small space inside the apartment, Misa had managed to fill her place with decor that matched her style to a T. Creepy dolls, glow in the dark bats and spiders on the walls, framed ouija board on the shelf. And as it turned out, she was just starting a music and modelling career. She had recording equipment set up at her computer and some photos from various shoots lying around.

With her cuteness she was bound to go far in the industry.

Today you'd taken up her offer to have Rem scan L, and walked up the stairs to her apartment with your persacom to get some answers.

Sat around the kotatsu, you'd pulled the chord from L's ear port and handed it off to Misa who made sure it was the right type of outlet to fit into Rem. Rem being a persacoms lite, a customised one too, didn't have ear ports like L did. She had her port under the bandages over the eye, which was a clever idea for a custom design. Misa was rather good at coming up with creative artistic ways to customise things.

"Ok... I think it'll work. You said there's a password right?" Misa said.

"Yeah, I don't know it and neither does L" you replied.

"Hmm, that makes things a little hard but I can have Rem try and brute force it. Guessing various combinations based on the code until we get in. It might take a while but it's worth a try"

She plugged the two persacoms together, and sat Rem on the table. L looked down at the smaller persacom, who he was now plugged into and reached out a finger to poke her. He'd seen Rem before but now he could see her up close and was curious to know how the smaller ones worked.

"L, you ready to be scanned?" You asked.

L nodded, sitting back ready to connect to Rem.

"L's ready!" He said.

"Ohmygod he's so cute, the way he refers to himself in third person is so endearing" Misa cooed.

"I know, he know what 'I' is but always defaults back to third person..." you smiled.

Misa made sure the plugs were in tight, and was ready to start the scan.

"Alright Rem, try and get past that password and when you do copy everything into the hard drive ok? That way we can have a copy and dig through it" Misa instructed.

"I will acquire as much data as I can, commencing scan..." Rem replied.

The two persacoms entered into a scan, a soft electronic hum sounding from them. It might take a while, so Misa pulled up her laptop to show you what she'd found out about custom persacoms.

"I'm on a bunch of custom forums, because I customised Rem and all that. So I was curious about what L might be made up of and I did some digging. He's super unique, the slouch in particular, I couldn't find anything about a pre made skeleton with a slouch so even his skeleton must be custom" Misa explained, turning the screen to you.

Sure enough on the forum where she'd asked about it, all the replies confirmed there was no brand that had a slouch in their skeletons. So it had to be custom made. The inner skeleton of a persacom was made from metal and hinges to allow for support and movement, but putting a curve in like a slouch would be both expensive and hard to do.

"Damn, whoever made him must have put in tons of work. Why would someone throw out a persacom they seemingly worked so hard on though?" You replied.

"No idea, maybe they made a new one to replace him? Even then customs sell for a lot so why not sell him? It makes no sense" Misa said.

The forum had a lot of helpful tips about building and programming a custom persacom. Both from scratch and out of pre-made parts, and in the whole forum Misa couldn't find a single mention of persacoms with slouches, AI as advanced as L's and even small details like his airbrushed on eyebags.

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