I Can't Believe it

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Erin's POV
"Wait, what?!?" I said in the diner eating my breakfast with Sophia.
I get up immediately and storm out of the diner without even paying my bill, but with that bomb Sophia just dropped she can handle it I'm sure. Once I get to my car I race to the 21st right away, I need to talk to Hank. I run a couple red lights, but it's not like anyone was coming so no one got hurt. I finally reach the 21st when I run inside. Luckily I do see Hank's car so he's already here. I kinda already knew that though as Hank is always the first one to arrive.
"Hey Erin!" Trudy waves at me as I rush by giving her a smile and little wave back.
Everyone is already here and they all say hi to me but I'm not in the mood for chit-chat I go straight to Hank's office and close the door behind me.
"Well hello to you Erin," Hank said with a smile.
"I just had a very interesting breakfast with a Sophia and she to--" Hank cut me off.
"Don't ever go near her again. She's dangerous. We stopped seeing her when she was a kid for a reason you know," Hank scolded.
"Well she found me. She just wanted to talk so I offered having breakfast at that diner we always used to go to. Public place and all," I explained to Hank.
"Well I still don't think you should be going near her. It's not safe." God he sounded so much like a dad I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Whatever. That's not the point. The point is what she said at the very end of our breakfast before I stormed out and came here"
"What did she say?"
"Something bout you taking a DNA test a couple years ago?"
"I accidentally let that slip out to her okay. I never in a million years expected her to tell you,"Hank tried to explain but I was quite mad so didn't care.
"Soooo what were the results," I asked but I kinda already knew. Just wanted to hear him say it.
"I'm your father," Hank said not knowing any other way to say it.
"How? Me and Justin are only a couple years apart."
"I was undercover. Bunny was apart of the group we were trying to bust and she became my undercover girlfriend for a few months. We busted the group, I left, and I had no clue Bunny was ever even pregnant." Hank explained sincerely staring at me from across his desk.
"Did you know? When I was 12 and came to live with y'all, did you know?"I had to know this.
"I didn't know for sure but when I found out your mom was Bunny and you were 12 I suspected because the timeline matched up. I told Camille and of course she told me to get a DNA test done."
"And clearly you didn't."
"No I did not. But I told her I did. I didn't want to know if you were biological mine or not then because you had just come to live with us and we were planning on adopting you anyways so you were part of the family. Biologically or not."
"What changed 2 years ago then?" I questioned.
"I don't know. Curiosity got the best of me I guess," Hank shrugged.
"Well you still could've told me all this 2 years ago," I said crossing my arms like a child.
"I know and I was planning on telling you one day I swear."
"Yeah one day..." I said rolling my eyes and walking out of Hank's office and to my desk.
"Alright guys we have a chill day. No big case but we can get caught up on paperwork and I need 2 of you to be security detail at the highschool today. They have their homecoming game and dance tonight and they need 2 of our cops to be on watch. So who's it gonna be?" Hank said clapping his hands together.
"Me and Jay will do it," I get up. I don't actually want to I just can't be around Hank right now.
"We will?" Jay said looking at me.
"Yeah, we will,"
"Alright. Halstead, Lindsay go suit up in uniform and head over. The rest of you get caught up on any paperwork you have." Hank said walking back into his office.

    At the Highschool
"Okay so spill, why did you volunteer us for this? You hate security detail," Jay questioned my motives.
   "I can't be around Hank right now that's why," I just wanted to leave it at that but I'm sure Jay will have questions and I don't know if I'm ready to answer them.
  "Why? Soemthing happen? Does it involve that girl calling him dad? Who was she anyway?" Jay asking a million questions.
   "Yes it involves her. She is his daughter beifre Justin. I don't want to go in detail. Found out Hank is biologically my dad," Erin gave a short synopsis of everything.
  "Oh yeah that's a lot," Jay not really knowing what to say.
  "Yep! I know!" Erin sighed.
       The rest of the night was pretty uneventful nothing much happened. Had to kick out a couple teenage boys for bringing booze to the dance but that was it. Which I am thankful that nothing serious happened because these are kids but it sure does make my night boring.
    "Thank you for being out security tonight." The principal of the school came over after the dance was over and everyone went home.
   "It was our pleasure!" I said shaking his hand and Jay doing the same.
    We both left the school and I dropped Jay off at the 21st as that is where his car was and went home. I went home to my apartment I know Hank wants me sleeping at his house with Sophia out there but I just couldn't. Plus I'm not scared of her she honestly seems harmless to me. I finally made it home and walked up the many stairs to my door where I found a very drunk Sophia propped up against my door.
    "ooohhhhh hiiiiiii siiisssss!!!" Sophia said slurring her words.
     "What are you doing?" I asked.
     "Well I meet these people at a bar and we had a couple drinks and next thing I know I'm drunk as a skunkkkkkk." Sophia yelled.
     "Shhhh get it." I said unlocking the door and pushing her inside. "So you got drunk and decided to come here?"
   "Well I have no where else. I've been sleeping in my car since I don't have a home but it's not very comfy so I figured I'd pay my little sis a visit," Sophia sloppily explained.
  "You can stay here for 1 night but dad can't know, he still doesn't want me around you, got it?"
    Sophia gave me 2 thumbs up and smiled.
   "I'll go get you a glass of water and aspirin."
   "Is this you and mom?"
   "Yeah. I think I was 14 in that pic. She pulled me out of school early that day to have a mother and daughter day, god she really was the best mom I miss her so much," I said reminiscing on the good times.
   "I wouldn't know. She gave me up at 10 years old to an orphanage out of state.." Sophia said broken heartedly.
   "Yeah dad told me bout that. I really am sorry they did that to you. I'm sure they tried everything they could first though," I said trying to reassure her.
   "Yeah I don't think so." Sophia said laying down on the couch as I put a blanket over her.
   "Well goodnight Sophia!" I told her.
    "Night sis."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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