Hank's house

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   After a 5 minute drive from Erin's apartment to Hank's house, Erin and Hank walked through the door and Erin immediately went up to her old bedroom, which was Sophia's, and just passed out as she was exhausted.
       *The Next Morning*
Hank was sitting at the table when Erin came down the stairs all dressed for work and wanting some toast and coffee.
     "Hey, how'd ya sleep?" Hank asks concerned
      "Eh. Took me a minute to fall asleep, but not to long, I was pretty tired" Erin said laughing it off
     "That's good, I'm driving you to work while Sophia's our there, so let's go" Hank said grabbing his car keys and Erin grabbed her coat

     The drive to 21st district was long and awkward, Erin wanted to ask about Sophia and stuff about her, but she didn't, as it was a sensitive topic.

Alright so that's the first chapter since I've been gone. It's not the greatest but I haven't wrote anything on Wattpad since this, so I gotta get back into the writing things ya know, lol. Well hoped you liked it. Idk when the next chapter will be up with Christmas so soon, but the next chapter should definitely be up before the end of 2019!

Side note if I become lazy about this story again, and don't get a post up before, 2020, happy new year lol

The Lost Voight Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon