Chapter 1 - Introduction/backstory

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Zara Bailey was a normal teenager she was popular, cute, smart, funny, she was loved by everyone...... but that was before her father left after that her world slowly
started falling apart. People started rumours, she started getting bullied
Before she knew it people that she knew almost her entire life people
Who she thought were her friends became her bullies
Soon it became too much
the once "normal" teen
Nice to all had no one left
You might ask why? well she didn't get it all herself but she knew one thing
Nothing was ever going to change if she stayed
That's why she was relived when she found out her mother got a new position
With her company..... a position where they had to move to Colorado

Zara's POV:
"How much longer till we're there?" I whined "only 3 more hours honey" my mother said while looking in the passenger seat. I get carsick and I can already feel it coming on so I put my AirPods in and I opened Spotify and played Tate Mcrae's That Way on loop while I pulled out a book I just bought called the shaadi set-up ( the wedding set up)

I don't know what has been up with me lately and reading things pertaining to my culture I am a South Asian (particularly Pakistani) but I am always confused for a Latina (now don't get me wrong I think latinas are very pretty but I want to be recognized as a desi) but I also don't have the average looks of a desi it's more common for us to have brown or black hair with brown eyes

but see my father was white with blonde hair and blue eyes (Ik such a cliché right?) but I was gifted with his ocean blue eyes but my hair is weird it changes colours often (on its own no dye necessary)

it usually grows in mocha brown at the roots in the middle is when is slowly starts mixing from brown to blonde from my mother I was gifted with her body style (small bones, small waist, slightly wide hips)

it gave me a nice hourglass figure but I don't really show it off most girls my age haven't gotten half the things I have yet which confuses people making them think I'm older so I often wear loose and baggy clothing.

I was also gifted from he the musical attributes of her side and brains. My mother handed me a bag from the back seat and told me to put it on while she was driving I knew we had to meet people once we got there but I thought what I was wearing was fine it was very cool out. I opened the the bag and my jaw dropped it was a skintight black long sleeve with a low V neck and black denim jeans alone with some block heeled boots

"mom cmon I can't wear this!" I whined "oh hush yes you can I gave you those curves to embrace girls would kill for you body beti (sweetie)" my mom said endearingly.

I know she means well sometime but she will be the death of me. I changed quickly in the car it took me while to lace up the boots because I had to angle them properly in order to tie them up.
"okay beti listen up you remember your auntie Anne right I know it's been a while since you've seen her and your dorky Uncle Tom once you get inside say hello alright?" My mother commanded sternly (in my culture you refer as everyone you know as auntie and uncle except for your actual aunt and uncle) I last saw Anne when she came to visit my mother when dad left she stayed with us till my mom got back up on her feet. It was now showtime into an oddly looking store called tom's get sporty

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