Chapter 3 - Tell Me About Yourself

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"Sayyyyyyyy" dawn began "why don't we do a girls night I can invite some of my friends and we can do mani pedis watch movies talk about boys all that fun stuff" she said practically jumping from her seat "you really are your mother's daughter but sure that sounds fun" I responded.

"Yes Dawn for the win" she exclaimed in victory. "Your literally Anne's mini me" I said while bursting into laughter. "Say Nicky wanna go on that date now I'll buy a couple things and make food for tonight for us all" I explained. "Yea sure I'll see you guys back at the house" he said while grabbing his jacket "let's go" he said while reaching out for my hand.

I accepted it to be polite "see you guys in a bit" I said while waving them off as we started the walk I realized how awkward this was. 

This is a guy that I last saw when everything was normaI don't know what I'm supposed to talk to him about. If only I knew what was going on inside his head it would make a thousand times easier

Nicky's POV:
I noticed how deep in thought she was as we started walking my hand still intertwined with hers when I loosened the grip she only held onto it tighter I could feel my face heating up. She seemed un phased by her action honestly I don't think she even realized what she did.

While we were  walking I noticed small scars on her hands they seemed to faded but I need to make a mental note to talk with dawn about it. I would understand I remember when mom got that phone call

3 months ago:
"Hello" I answered the phone "hi honey" Sarah (Zara's mom) said over the line. We usually visit her around this time of year. We go to visit them a week after school's ended. School ends in 2 months and then we can get out of boulder. "Is Anne there sweetie" she said in small portions. By the sound of her voice she had been crying  I walked to the living room and put my hand over the microphone "it's Mrs.Bailey she seems really upset" I said while handing her the phone.

"Sarah honey what's wrong?" My mother asked I could hear her faintly talking on the other end. My mother started heading up to her room she mouthed if I could make dinner. I mouthed back take your time once she saw my response she ran up the stairs.

Two and a half hours later my mother came down the stairs with three suitcases.
"Tom honey your driving me to the airport" she said while hauling the luggage down the stairs. "I am?" He asked surprised. "I don't have time right now Tom now get up and grab this or so help me" she almost screamed.

He jumped to his feet "how is she?" He asked "Adam left Sarah and Zara apparently he cheated and had a secret family with kids one that's older that Zara and one that's younger" she explained quietly while stepping down the stairs. "How's Zara holding up?" Tom asked. "Poor girl her mother says she seems un phased by him leaving she's acting like he never left which I don't honestly know if it's a good or bad thing" she said

"How long" he asked with concern in his eyes "maybe a month, two at the most" she said. "Nicky come here" my mother called out to me "yea mom?" I responded. "I love you" she said and gave me a warm embrace. "Bye kids be back in a bit" both of my parents called out once dad came back without mom he explained to all four of us what happened and that mom was going to be back soon.

End of flashback

"Soooo" I began I had no clue where I was going but it was too late to back down "tell me bits about yourself" I asked

Zara's POV:
I was pulled out of my train of thought when I was asked "tell me bits about yourself" Nicky asked me I looked up and was met with his gorgeous green eyes I felt like I could just melt right there on the spot " soooooo what do you want to know? We've know each other since we were born?" I asked with a hint of a playful tone "tell me everything we've got time, act like I've just met you" he responded.

"Okay well I'm Zara Bailey, I was born on October 4th, my birth stone is pink opal, I'm a Libra, I love reading, photography, and creating and listening to music. My father left 2 months ago for his secret family that lives in California, I honestly hate his guts but I don't wish him bad I don't want to wish him off well" I ended off sourly with the feeling of hot salty tears on the verge of releasing if I said another word.

He stopped in his tracks I felt his warm hands on my shoulders. When I looked up I saw his piercing green eyes but he had a nervous expression written all over his face. All of a sudden he pulled me into a hug. Before I knew it I started crying into his shoulder. Once I started I felt his grasp tighten on me. He started rubbing my back in a soothing way. I managed to stop my self from crying any longer and broke the hug. The feeling cool fall wind drying the tears from my face. Until I felt his thumb pad brush against my cheek wiping the tears away. "If you want to talk you can always reach out to me" he said gently before pulling me back into the hug.

We stayed in the hug for a couple of more minutes. I was the one to break it first, but now that the hug was broken I was missing his warmth. "We should probably keep walking it's going to take me some time to figure out what I'm going to cook." I started walking away slowly. God do I ever hate heeled boots. "It's just around the corner" he said while grabbing my hand to walk across the street.

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