Chapter 8 - As long as your mine

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 Zara's POV:

I quickly put the soaked gauze pad on his cut and he almost screamed

On first instinct to make his siblings think I wasn't killing him

I did the un thinkable

I kissed him

He seemed shocked but eased into it

While he was still distracted by the kiss I took this as an opportunity to clean his wound that was until I put a bit too much pressure wrapping up his injured hand and he bit my lip

I could feel blood coming out of my red swollen lips

"Owww" I pouted

"Did you just" he asked but I quickly cut him off

"Yes" I averted my gaze from him still putting all of the supplies away

"Are we going to talk about it?" He asked

"Nope, now I'm going to go downstairs first wait 5 minutes then come down" I said while leaving

"What happened in there?" All three of the siblings asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

Dawn got up and walked closer to me

"Zara? Why do you have blood on your lips?" She asked."Bit my lip" I said popping the p's

"Nicky get down here" she yelled

"Yea Dawn?" He asked coming down the stairs

"How's your hand?" She voiced with concern

"All better thanks to doctor Bailey"

"Oh please doctor Bailey was my mother just call me Zara" I said while leaving the room

I finished chopping all the onions for the salad and started heating up naan

"Kids cmon in dinner's ready!" I yelled

"Coming!" They all yelled

"Zara this is Mae my soul sister and Mae this is Zara she just arrived today" Dawn explained

"Hi Zara nice to meet you" the girl held her hand out

"Nice to meet you as well, Dawn get the others and call your mother and father and tell them to come home dinner is ready" I told her while turning on the stove top

"Yes chef!" Dawn shouted

"Hey! I'm the only one who calls her that" Nicky pouted

He walked over to me and rested his chin on top of my head and his arm slowly slinked his arms around my waist

"Am I the only one who feels the sexual tension between these two?" Mae whispered to Dawn

I could feel my cheeks heating up. I could immediately feel Nicky's grip on me tighten on me

"Oh we all feel it" Dawn whispered

"Let's go call your parents" Mae said

I heard a camera click

I flipped the naan with my bare hands but much to my avail I burned myself

"Oh shit" I winced 

"Let me get you some ice" he said while scrambling to get some ice

"NO!" I shouted 

"What? Why?" He asked

"First aid 101 never put ice on a burn" I explained 

"Okay" he pouted 

"Here my sous chef can have the first taste" I said while prepping him a plate

I cut the naan into halves I poured some chickpea masala and some potato and cauliflower curry 

"Here" I said while handing him the freshly made plate 

"Oh wait let me get some of the salad" I exclaimed 

"I'm sure it will be fine without it" he assured me

"No you eat it my way or you don't eat at all" I explained while taking his plate 

While walking away I felt his hands slither around my waist

"You have no idea what you doing to me? Do you Bailey?" He whispered 

I could feel his warm breath on my neck when he said that but I could also feel the blood rushing to my cheeks I decided to tease him a bit more

Even though his grip on me hadn't loosened yet I tried to walk away but his grip only tightened on me

I reached my arm out and put his plate down. His grip kept getting tighter and tighter it was only going to be a matter of time before he was going to start cutting off my circulation. I twisted my body around, once my body was fully turned around to meet his gaze.

I started drawing shapes lightly on his thin t-shirt

I could feel the goosebumps forming on his arms

"What am I doing Harper?" I asked innocently

When I looked up all I could see is the lust in his gorgeous green 

"You know exactly what your doing" he said hoarsely 

His body leaning in closer to mine

"Which is?" I asked

Now drawing Shapes on the back of his neck slowly trailing my fingers down to his back

I closed the gap between us all I could feel was his hands exploring my back. I felt his hand tap my thigh signaling for me to jump. I jumped up and crossed my legs on his waist. He walked us over to the counter so I could sit. He was the first one to break the contact and he started exploring my neck sucking until he found my sweet spot that made me moan out his name "uhhhh Nicky" I moaned out in pleasure. "We have to stop before be get caught" I moaned

"Your right" he said in realization. He didn't stop though. He stopped sucking my sweet spot and started giving it tiny pecks before finally stopping. "What are we? Are we friends or maybe something more?" I asked. "Hopefully something more" he said voice hoarse. "Nicholas look at me" I said in concern. 

"I want this to be more to, but I want to keep this a secret just for now? Okay? With everything going on and getting reconnected with your family again I don't want to mess up any other relationships okay?" I explained 

"That's fine with me just as long as your mine" He said keeping the eye contact 

Hi ducklings author here sorry for long wait but here's to a new chapter 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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