Chapter 5 - Lead The Way Captain

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I stopped running and finally caught my breath sitting on a bench. "You done pulling tricks on me little lady?" Nicky asked while sitting down next to me.

"For now Harper" I said while digging through the the bag

"Whatcha lookin for?" He asked. "This" I said while pulling out 2 kulfi (desi style ice-cream pic included at the top) "What is it?" He asked.

"Try it" I said while handing him one. He looked like a lost little puppy while he struggled to open the wrapper.

"Pass it" I said while trying to grab it. "Wait a second! Hold on" he said while struggling.

I managed to grab it from him and easily pop the kulfi out of the wrapper.

"Keep it in the wrapper that way if it drips you won't get all sticky" I said while opening mine.

"Mmmm I'll pass " he walked away to throw the wrapper out. "Fine then don't come whining to me when you become sticky" I sang.

"So, you still haven't told me what this is" he questioned. "What do you think it is?" I said while leaning in closer.

"From the smell of its sweet and I can already feel that it's conclusion is that it's ice cream" he said eyes lighting up brighter than the lights on the New York Christmas tree.

"Close" I said while licking mine. His expression immediately dropped he now had a sullen expression written all over his face.

"Okay I give up what is it?" He asked with hands in the air. "Don't be over dramatic little baby it's close to ice cream but it's called kulfi (cool-fee)" I said with a small grin appearing.

"Oh shut up and eat your ice cream" he said agitated. "Okay then" I said within the next few minutes I bit down chewing the last bit of the popsicle and licking the stick before finally throwing it out.

"Wait, what, how?" He asked in pure shock.

"Your dripping!" I said in shock. He looked at me in confusion before finally realizing.

He tried to lick the kulfi flow on the side of his hand but to his avail the kulfi ended up hitting him on the side of the face.

I tried my best to contain my self I was only able to hold my laughter in for 5 seconds to be exact.

"Who was right?" I said. "You" he mumbled "I'm sorry I couldn't hear that" I said while leaning in closer. "YOU SMART ASS" he shouted in my ear.

I jumped of the bench from the shock of him shouting at me. "Owww you didn't have to say it THAT loud" I whined.

"You whining doesn't help the fact that I have kulfi spilling all over me" he complained. "Wait a second" I said while getting up I walked over to him and licked all the excess ice cream that was dripping down.

"Better?" I asked "much" he said while trying to bite down. "Owww brain freeze! how did you manage to eat it so quickly" he asked with a full mouth.

"Plenty years of practice" I responded "ready to get this show on the road the house is ten minutes away" he said while throwing out his popsicle stick out.

"Let's go" he said while grabbing his bags.

"Lead the way captain" I said while getting up. "Oh wait!" I said while putting my bags down I grabbed a bottle of water from my purse and a Kleenex.

"Come here Nicholas" I said while wetting the tissue.

"Ugh don't call me that" he whined while walking over to me. Even wearing heels it felt like he towered over me I wiped the moist part of the tissue over his cheek, I turned the tissue over to dry it I felt the heat resonating from his cheeks.

Once I was done I worked on the kulfi moustache that wrapped around his lips I felt his gaze on me while I did this.

"All done" I said while walking away "NOW I'm ready" I said while bending down to pick up my bags I could swear I felt his gaze still on me.

"Cmon slow poke let's go last one to the house has to prep all the ingredients" he said while running away. "Isn't that the job of the sous chef?" I yelled while chasing after him

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Bai ducklings!

Forever // Nicky Harper x fem OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz