The part where he gets crushed

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// this was fun to write I suddenly understand why everyone likes writing wallknight exploding. also the zombies are very fun to write even if I don't do it too much

So what actually happened?

What on Earth could've caused a whole chain of events like this?

It was a sunny day in Suburbia, and it would've been peaceful if not for the plant and zombie heroes duking it out in the highly urban portion of the city. It was Green Shadow, Solar Flare, Wall-Knight, Grass Knuckles, and Spudow against Super Brainz, Electric Boogaloo, Rustbolt, The Smash and impfinity. Quite honestly, the huge fight started over a taco.

Spudow was just enjoying his taco and impfinity smacked it out of his hand. Everyone on the plants side was understandably angry, since Spudow was just a lovable teddy bear no one could hate. The moment it was stolen, Spudow looked extremely saddened but then quickly looked like he was about to lose his head. Grass Knuckles got extremely angry.

In response, Solar Flare 'accidentally' melted Super Brainz's ice cream while he was trying to enjoy it.

Then Grass Knuckles proceeded to take that as 'FIGHT STARTED' and immediately punched Impfinity in the face, much to the dismay of both the zombie and the plant team.

From there things escalated into a huge fight, something Green Shadow had been trying to avoid but eventually had no choice but to lead them.

In the midst of their extreme fight which had somehow gone from a park to the middle of a urban street, car alarms were blasting, surrounding citizens were in dismay, and trashcans of all varieties were getting destroyed via fire or brute strength.

Green Shadow jumped out of the way mere seconds before Super Brainz had punched down on the pavement where she was standing. She struck back using a few peas and landed atop a nearby street light.

"Give it up Super Brainz!""


Solar Flare meanwhile, was honestly having a pretty chill time with Electric Boogaloo. They were still fighting, of course, but it was considerably less intense compared to Green Shadow, Spudow and whatever the heck Grass Knuckles was doing committing violence crimes. She set the place ablaze while Electric Boogaloo was just dancing around with his lightning bolts. Yeah they were having a fun time, looked pretty cool from a distance too.

The Smash and Impfinity were fighting together, and while Spudow was fully willing to take them both on with his potato mines, Grass knuckles just went in screaming and punching everything. Everyone was used to his fighting style by now but, it was extremely intense.

"Haha! Can't catch me with your electrifying dance moves!" Solar Flare proudly declared while she was flying. She was laughing at Electric Boogaloo right before she smacked her face straight into the brick wall of a nearby apartment complex. Great.

Green Shadow saw this from afar and just... facepalmed.

Spudow quickly used the time everyone spent looking at Solar Flare's embarrassing failure to place a lot of potato mines around the surrounding street, but that only made it harder for Grass Knuckles to punch because he constantly had to awkwardly shuffle around all the potato mines around him.

The Smash took this opportunity to laugh at Grass Knuckles.

"HAHA, the tiny walking SALAD can't even FIGHT properly!"

"..... what? What? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!"

That  was when Grass Knuckles unleashed his 'power pummel' on the Smash, who had been standing in front of the building Solar Flare smacked her face into and the one where Super Brainz had punched the nearby pavement of. Regardless of this fact, everyone kept fighting because they were getting more and more angry. And the more they fought and dodged, the more the surrounding areas were getting destroyed.

Now where was Wall-Knight in this? He wasn't really doing anything but smiling happily across the street while Rustbolt grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him violently back and forth.


A loud creaking sound could be heard through the air, everyone near the building had stopped fighting suddenly and slowly looked up at the incoming building with wide eyes.

They all had a collective 'shit.' moment and immediately started running away to avoid getting squashed.

Rustbolt and Wall-Knight however, didn't hear this because they were both in their armor and significantly further from the rest of them. Rustbolt dropped Wall-Knight, who had folded his armor back into his belt.

"Forget it. I can't do this. You're too dumb to reason with."

Rustbolt thus started walking away from the scene, fully wanting to just go back home and eat Smart pops in his bed. Wall-Knight was a bit confused, but then saw a nearby caterpillar and went :D. In those 5 seconds, the entire building just fell on its side, crushing the not armored and fully oblivious Wall-Knight.

Rustbolt stopped immediately with wide eyes and slowly turned to look behind him, seeing that Wall-Knight was in fact not there, but giant crushed building debris that had barely missed him.


Everyone else just stared at the sight like Rustbolt, completely mortified and absolutely speechless. Solar Flare decided to break this silence by taking a deep breath and releasing a high pitched ear piercing scream. Her best friend just got CRUSHED. Green Shadow took a deep breath and spoke in a quiet and scared voice.


The rest of the LEAF heroes immediately ran over to where Wall-Knight was last seen and started freaking out while Rustbolt kind of just stood next to them and went 'oh fuck was that my fault?' As Green Shadow, Grass Knuckles and Spudow were trying to rummage through the debris, they and Solar Flare were full-on arguing and yelling at the zombie heroes who insisted that this wasn't their damn fault.

Impfinity stood with Rustbolt rather awkwardly after the rest of the zombie heroes were guilttripped into helping to try and dig up wall-knight.

"..... you think he's dead?"
"I'd be concerned if he wasn't. Oh god. I didn't think--"

"Yeah it's alright buddy none of us thought. Damn."

They continued to watch their team and their enemies try to lift up an entire broken building, silently contemplating about their undead life. 

// final chapter lemme know if anyone wants more because my pvzh brainrot is strooong

Wall-Knight Almost Dies AgainWhere stories live. Discover now