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The house was silent for the first time in what feels like months. Usually Mason is downstairs with the team running through plays, yelling at the TV or even worse, talking to our father about the team
Mum would be silently watching on the sidelines making sure their drinks were fully topped up and food was with in fingertip distance for the boys

The boys and their football run this place, this house, our school. This entire town.

Their feud with the school across the river is no shocker. They both want to be the best thing in this town, yet our team never comes out on top. Meaning the feud continues

"Mo!" I heard a voice call, I would know that voice anywhere. It's Mason meaning this house was about to get a lot louder
"Yes?" I asked walking downstairs to see him stood in the living room with all of his boys around him

They all glance at me with a second glance pending as they all took an interest for a change
Over the summer it was clear that I had changed a little
Some would say I 'matured' over summer break

Being Mason's little sister comes with a lot of people using me to get under his skin. I've always been deemed off limits so I never bothered with myself or my appearance but recently that changed
Not to get under Mason's skin, but because I wanted some control in my own life. I wanted to be able to go our and do things if I wanted to, I wanted to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin instead of staying hidden

I wanted a chance to be Mollie, not Mason and Matilda's little sister

"Are you going to tell me what's up or can I go back to what I was doing?" I asked looking at me older brother. He was only 1 year older but he acted like I was a baby compared to him

"Oh yeah um, we were going to order food and wanted to know if you wanted some?" Mason asked before glancing at his friends with a small glare seeing their eyes still lingering
"Nope, I'm good. I'm about to head out with Ellie and Jessie in about an hour" I smiled
"Don't burn the house down though boys" I warned them before heading back upstairs to my room

There hasn't been a time really where I've turned Mason down on his offer to hang out. We've always been close, closer then either of us are with Tilly. Things just get complicated especially around this time of year. Football season just started so all the boys are in fight or flight mode and honestly, I do not want to be involved with that

"Oh come on!" Jessie laughed as we sat at the dinner that evening, we were listening to Ellie's story of her most recent events. Her love life was practically a soap at this point but we were all living in it
"I'm telling you, he blurted it out while we were having sex and I couldn't keep a straight face!" Ellie laughed

"Ell please don't tell me you laughed at a boy who told you he loved you" I gasped trying to control my laughter
"No I laughed that a boy said that to me while his dick was inside me Mols" She laughed nudging me

Her volume and tone of voice seemed to travel a lot father especially when a group of teenagers also walked into the dinner instantly eyeing her after her crude remark

"Ellie!" I said pushing her shoulder making both of my friends continue their fit of laughter
"Come on Mo, don't act like your ass is going to remain innocent the minute we get back to school! Everyone will be falling at your feet" Jessie said making me roll my eyes

"Our girl is going to have the best year of her life" Ellie winked earning yet another eye roll from me

"Seems she's already getting some attention from a dangerous neck of the woods" Jessie said nodding across the diner making both Ellie and I join her in seeing the table to teenagers that had walked in previously, one of their eyes were set on my even when I glanced over
I would know those green eyes anywhere

In face I think anyone would..

Liam Parker

"I wouldn't go near that if I were you Mols, god knows the history between him and your brother. He could be attempting a ploy to fuck with the team" Ellie warned me

There is was again, A ploy to mess with the team. The real definition of myself
I'll never be able to do anything without that thought being strung over me. It doesn't matter if its this year or next year
It doesn't matter if Mason is around or not

I'll never not be Mason's little sister..

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