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"That's Harper's little sister, you realise that right?" Chase said catching my gaze, I looked back over at him and nodded before glancing back over at Mollie
I've known the Harper's for as long as I can remember
Prior to the feud our parents used to be close
I used to hang with Mason and Matilda while Mollie sat in the corner keeping to herself

Mason and Matilda have always been the more confident of the three Harper's. Nobody really looks towards Mollie but that was evident that was about to change

She look a hell of a lot different now then she did last time I saw her

"What are you going to do? Pull her in then break it off before the big game against them?" Niall asked next to me, I turned to look at him with a glare
"What kind of sick twisted shit is that Niall" I asked making him shrug
"I mean, we might beat there ass if we did that" He chuckled
"We'll beat them without the screwed up game" I glared

This year was my first year being Captain, I knew that held a lot of responsibility considering the captain is usually a senior and I am certainly not that yet. I had a lot more time then others to make a name for myself but losing to Manor High was not an option

"Mo come on, we've been through this" One of Mollie's friends said grabbing my attention again
"I'm not hooking up with any of the team Jessie. Just because they are always there doesn't mean anything" Mollie warned her
"You've got to give her some credit. She wouldn't do anything with Mason in the house" The brunette next to Mollie said
"Ellie. You are crude, do you know that?" Mollie laughed
"Always honey" Ellie winked

"Are we still doing the jersey tradition?" I asked the boys making them all shrug
"I haven't heard any different. Are we doing it for every home game or just the important ones?" Niall asked
"The important ones" I said turning back to to everyone else. If I continued to listen in to their conversation any longer, I think that I would learn somethings that are not mine to know

"You're going out again?" Mum asked later that evening, I'd been home for less then an hour at this point but I could hear them arguing over the sound of the TV might as well give them some space to air it all out completely
"I won't be long, just going down to the river for a bit" I said allowing her to sigh before nodding

Mum knows that the River has always been a place of comfort for both of us. She knows that when I go there, I heard them
She knows that and it kills me that she does

I opted out of driving tonight, the river was only a 5 minute walk anyway, it wasn't needed

Nobody really comes here anymore, it used to be a big spot as kids but when we grew up so did this spot. I don't even think that kids now a days come here. They tend to spend most of their time at the arcades

This place is a safe haven, listening to the water against the bank, watching the moon light settle on the water that was easily too cold to swim in this time of year
But what I wasn't expecting was to see a petite figure on the bank
When I say Nobody comes here.. I meant it

Her body turned slightly making it clear who it was, I was shocked to see her hear, especially given the circumstances of this place for her

"You're on the wrong side Sunshine" I said making Mollie jump as she turned to look at me
"I didn't realise I had to be on a certain side?" She asked as I moved closer
I took a seat next to her on the bank to see that there was a tear that had fallen across her cheek recently, it fell through the small amount of makeup she had on leaving behind a small essence of mascara in it's path

"Are you okay Mollie?" I asked making her breath hitch slightly as she wiped her cheek. She turned to me offering me a smile
"Yeah, I'll get out of your hair" She said making me look at her confused

"Hey" I called out making her stop, she looked at me hesitantly before remaining in her seat
"You don't have to go" I said softly, evidently I could understand if she wanted to be alone but I wanted to also make sure she was okay

"Liam I know that you and Mase have history, I'm not getting myself caught in the middle of that" She explained and I nodded knowing she was right
"I think you'll find Mollie I have history with all of you Harpers, whether it be the time I spent being told off by your Matilda as she baby sat me, being hated by Mason as I beat his ass at football or" I started before watching her curious eyes still staying on mine

"Or?" Mollie breathed out
"I just want to make sure you are okay. No strings, no hidden meanings." I reminded her before hearing a sigh

"I'm Mason and Matilda's little sister. I'm always okay" She said rising to her feet and walking away

This time I didn't call after her, I didn't go chasing her. She was going through something. That's for sure but I wasn't going to push my luck and make her any worse
From what I remember about Mollie, she's be stuck in her head longer then anyone can hold their breath

She'll be her worst enemy but she'll always come back fighting

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