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"I think it's time we had a chat" I said to Niall as we sat in the diner on Friday night. Practice ended hours ago and I wouldn't be surprised if all the team was at some party tonight, that's probably where Niall would be if I hadn't dragged him elsewhere

I'd been trying to figure out how to handle this situation. I know Mollie is not one for confrontation, if I didn't know Niall and Mollie the way I know both of them then this could have easily slid under the radar for ages 
It would have bubbled until one of them cracked and sadly I have my guess on who would crack first
Of course it would be the one who I would never want to crack 

Whether I want to admit it or not, I've always had a soft spot for Mollie, I have ever since we were little kids. She isn't much younger then me, a couple of months if that but I've always had this protective nature over her
Granted it's a little more difficult since Mason disowned me 

But I've watched, I've kept my eye on her from a far.. As creepy as that sounds

Something changed with her a few months ago, I don't know what happened but she is constantly looking over her shoulder as if she thought she was being followed even when she was in a group of people 

"What's up Cap" He said throwing a handful of fries into his mouth
"What did you say to her?" I asked making Niall look at me a little confused
"What did I say to who? I don't know if you've notice Liam but girls are always around. You need to be a little more specific" He laughed

This guy has the audacity to laugh.

"May I remind you that I could bench you for your entire season Niall and the one after that. Quit fucking about and speak" I warned him making him roll his eyes

"You're talking about the Harper girl I take it" He growled, I nodded allowing him to proceed
"I reminded her who's side she's on. I reminded her that her and her kind aren't welcome in our school, in our practice. Anywhere near us" He said instantly making my eyes narrow at him
"And what gave you that right? At what point was that decided!" I asked raising my voice a little too much 

We had already disturbed others in the diner to which I nodded muttering an apology

"come on Liam are you an idiot! She's here to help that lowlife of her brother! She doesn't care about you, or anyone else for that matter. The moment she has something to pass on you can bet your ass yours will be hung out to dry!" He exclaimed and I shook my head
"If you used that brain of yours at all Niall you would have noticed a long time ago Mollie is probably the only exception to that fucking feud! She doesn't fucking care about any of that shit, she never has and she never fucking will" I warned him

"And I swear to god, if I hear that you've said a damn word to her again, you'll have me to answer to!" I warned him again standing up before giving him one more look
"You're benched until further notice" I said turning on my heel not even daring to look back again 


I got into the car with the intention to go home but instead I ended up on Mollie's side of town, I had no intention of bothering her at all. It was sure as hell noticeable that her house was rather lively right now 

Friday nights at the Harpers was always the best, their mum would make us brownies while we set up forts in the living room watching whatever film we wanted
Tilly would be the first to fall asleep and also the first to deny she fell asleep
Mase would sleep and he would own it, he wouldn't ever deny that he had fallen asleep
Then Mollie and I would always be the last to fall asleep, we would talk too much into the movies to ever fall asleep 

The silence in the car was soon interrupted by my phone lighting up on the Dashboard, answering it I could see Chase's name filling the screen near the stereo before his voice filled the car
"What's up man" I said slumping back into my seat
"Uh I don't really know if I'm honest but you need to get to the river" He said making me shook the screen a loot
"What's going on Chase?" I asked

"I was down here heading home from Liv's and I bumped into Mollie and I think she's having a panic attack Liam, she asked me to call you" He said making my eyes instantly soften as I turned the ignition in the car on again
"Where is she right now" I asked
"she's sat over by the bank, shes curling into a ball and her breathing, fuck Liam I've never seen one this bad" He explained 

Chase's little sister has suffered with panic attacks from the age of 8. When their Dad left.. 
She's 13 now but that doesn't stop Chase from being a helicopter big brother
He's been there for every single attack of hers and I bet knowing what he knows about Mollie, he's about to be a little more invested to

"Okay let me talk to her. Go to her and put the phone on speaker" I said
"Okay man hold on" He answered before hearing nothing but frantic footsteps

"She can hear you now Liam" I heard Chase say making me grip the steering wheel a little lighter while I wait to hear her voice
"Mols? What's going on?" I asked but I was greeted by nothing but silence. I hated this, I hated that I wasn't there right now 
I hated that she was having this at all 

"I thought you said she could hear me Chase!" I said almost yelling 
"She can! She's just you know, struggling to breathe Liam!" Chase bit back clearly just as agitated as I was right now

"I'm on my way Mols okay? I'm on my way I promise" I said hoping that would stir some sort of response but it didn't 
Whatever was going on right now, she was stuck in her head deeper then I had anticipated
I needed to fix this but I didn't know how to 

"Sunshine please say something" I pleaded, I needed to hear something.. anything

"I'm not" She said in an almost whisper, I could hear the panic in her tone. She was struggling with a lot more then just her breathing. She was fighting herself over something

"Sunshine. I'm not Sunshine" She said with a crack in her tone. She was crying and she was ripping my heart out  at the same time 

"Oh but you are, you always have been" I said chuckling, I had a grin on my face 

She's always been Sunshine. My Sunshine..

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