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"I thought that topic was dead and buried" Chase said as we walked into the bowling alley. It's been a week since Mollie and I spoke at the river, I've bumped into her a few times but she'll be with Mason who knows better then to let his sister anywhere near me or anyone from our school. This whole vendetta he has is beginning to be more of a pain then it's worth

"I'm not the one inviting her to practice" Niall grumbled, every since his altercation with Mollie a week ago he seems to be more pent up against her. She didn't do anything wrong and honestly I wouldn't ever turn her away. 
If Mollie wanted to sit on practice, fuck me she can. Niall can't do shit about it
"Will you pack it in" I warned him making him roll his eyes as we went to our usual lane

Towards the beginning of our football season, the team and I tend to spend a lot more time together doing things other then practice. It's a good dynamic to have, a team that plays together works together after all 

"Mollie, you do realise the ball is supposed to hit the pins not the gutter?" her friend Ellie laughed making me look up from the boys. 

Sure enough one lane away sat Mollie's friends Ellie and Jessie while Mollie returned with a defeated look on her face
"That's why we are supposed to have bumpers. With the bumpers on, it wouldn't go in the gutter Elle" Mollie warned making her friends laugh

"looks like great minds think a like huh?" Chase teased while my gaze stayed on Mollie

You know you can always tell when someone is watching you, there is just this shudder under your skin. I'm pretty sure Mollie felt me watching because with in a second or two her head popped up looking in my direction with her doe eyed look staying put on her face
"And we've lost him" Niall said making me clear my throat before turning back to the team
"You won't be saying that when I beat your ass Niall" I said 
"Bring it on Cap" He teased making the team chuckle 

Tonight wasn't about Mollie, it wasn't about feud. It was about my team and how they plan to play together 
This could easily be the make it or break it moment 

"Mo your turn again, aim for the centre and you should be golden" Jessie said handing her one of the balls 
"Oh fate is a funny thing" Chase laughed obnoxiously loud before handing me a ball pushing me towards the lane where Mollie stood eyeing up her options 

I watched as she went to throw the ball, from the way she's holding it. I'm not surprised it's going into the gutter

"Molls" I said making her jump a little before looking over her shoulder at me
"What's up hotshot" She said making me smirk at her which to my surprise she copied
"I was going to tell you that you are holding the ball wrong but with the attitude Sunshine, I think I'll enjoy watching you miss again" I said making her roll her eyes taking a step away from the lane turning to me

"Help me and I'll help you?" She offered making me furrow my brows looking at her, with one step closer I looked down at her
"And what do I need help with?" I asked softly, Mollie's eyes gazed behind me where I was certain everyone was probably watching the exchange

"I'll stop showing up where I'm not needed" She muttered
"What?" I asked but she shook her head looking behind me again. Her gaze was falling on one person and one person only.. Niall

"I'll help you and you'll help me but I can promise you now, that is not what I need your help with" I said, she looked a me a little confused but I didn't need to clarify right now. What I needed is to get through tonight and find out what the hell Niall has been doing
I lifted the ball in my hand showing her the correct way to hold it making her jaw drop being turning back to her friends

"You snakes. You weren't gonna tell me I was doing it wrong?" She scoffed making her friends burst out laughing
"Did you need to ruin our fun!" Ellie groaned making me chuckle 

"Ready Sunshine?" I asked watching Mollie's smile creep across her face again only making mine wider
"bring it on Hot Shot, you've just taught me how to beat your ass" She giggled
"Oh Mollie Harper is cussing now, where are her parents" I teased earning an eye roll

She didn't say anything in return, she walked over to her lane while walked over to mine, I had it in my head that we would shoot our shot at the same time but the moment we were lined up for the throw Mollie cleared her throat making me look at her

"There is a lot of things I've done that my parents wouldn't approve of hot shot" She said before pulling her lip in between her teeth

Without even realising it I had let go of the ball and it had slowly started to make it's way down the lane only hitting one pin
"Oh what a shame" She said winking at me while I scoffed watching her take her shot
I watched as the ball hurtled for the pins, this time steering clear of the gutter 
"Now that. Is what I'm talking about!" Jessie screamed making Mollie laughed as we all watched all of the pins fall to the floor

Mollie attempted to walk back to her friends but I shook my head grabbing her by the waist pulling her closer to me
"You're starting a dangerous game Mols" I warned he making her look at me innocently 

"That's okay, I have full intention of winning" She said tapping my nose heading out of my grasp

The CatchNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ