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"All I'm saying is that for the past week you two have been rather inseparable. If you aren't at practice then you're at the river with her. If we're in school you'll be there texting her" Chase teased making me roll my eyes as we walked through the corridors of our school
"So what is going on?" He asked nudging me lightly
"Let me guess, Liv is bugging you for something?" I asked making him narrow his eyes before ultimately shrugging confirming suspicions

For the last week, Chase was right in the fact that Mollie and I had spent a lot of time together. I can't fix what she is going through until she tells me
But that doesn't mean I can't do my very best to protect her along the way 
The more time she spends with me is less time she is in that house, less time she is in his reach

"You clearly like the girl Liam, but I think you also need to take into account everyone else involved" He said and I knew he had a point
"It's not just you, You know Mollie will struggle when Mason finds out" He warned
"You know that if this went tits up, the team would have your back but there is only so much we can do. If you piss off that time that's just more ammo for them on our game night" Chase continued making me nod
"If Mollie is really the path you want to take, make sure you do it right" He said patting me on my shoulder 

"After all, she seems to always have you by the bollocks" He said with his sinister laugh as we walked into Maths 


"Hey hotshot!" Mollie giggled as her voice filled the car. I was driving home from practice and for the first time in a while I was not alone
"Hey Mollieee!" Tyler sung making Mollie laugh
Over the past week, she's definitely merged into one of us and we're not even mad about it. Niall was still pissed but he was severely out numbered
"Hey boys" She laughed
"What are you up to?" I asked before hearing her hum in response
"Well currently I'm in my room listening to Mason and his friends practically destroying the living room while they watch the game" She said and I could honestly hear the eye roll

"Can we be your knights in shinning armour?" Chase teased her making me chuckle
"there isn't nothing shiny about the armour you lot wear. You always sweat and it's gross" Mollie said 
"We're wounded Mols" Kyle said 

"We're outside" I said making Mollie hum again
"You're playing a dangerous game" She said making me smirk
"If you aren't down in 2 minutes misses I'll knock on the door" I warned her before hearing what could only be described as a squeak before the line went dead

I leant back into my seat looking over at Mollie's house seeing her shadow appear in front of her front door as she slid her shoes on 
In a matter of seconds she was joined by a few other figures before they all left leaving only two
Now I want to say that it was Mason and Mollie left there but let's be honest

It probably wasn't 

"Who do you think she's talking to" Chase asked after moving to the back seat allowing Mollie to have the front
"I don't think any of want to know" Tyler said and he had his point
"Woah!" Kyle growled making my eyes darken too 

All of us were glaring over at the door where we could see the same figure with a very tight grip on Mollie's arm. She has tried to push them away at least 5 times at this point but they weren't letting up 
"He's got 5 seconds" I said to myself
I refuse to let us all just sit here and watch something happen

But if by some miracle, Mollie got out of his grip and managed to open the door, revealing to all of us that our suspicions were correct
She was not talking to Mason.
She was talking to Wyatt. Mason's right hand man..

I think tonight will have to be the night I get answers. For both of our sakes

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