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"Where are you off to this evening madam" Mason teased as soon as I got to to the bottom of the stairs, with in a matter of seconds I was surrounded by the entire football team including the one person I've been trying to avoid

"The girls and I are going to a bonfire tonight. Nothing fancy" I said watching as most of the team shrugged their shoulders heading towards the kitchen, not surprisingly considering they are bottomless pits
"Be safe though okay? If you need us to pick you up shoot one of us a text" He said patting my shoulder before leaving 

I turned to grab my jacket when someone hand grabbed a hold of my arm stilling me for a second
"Which girls was this again?" Wyatt asked making me narrow my eyes at him
"Ellie and Jessie" I swallowed trying to wriggle my arm out of his grip

"That's funny you know. Jessie is working tonight and Ellie is off with her newest pick of the week. You wouldn't lie to me would you Mo" Wyatt said tilting his head
"Wyatt hurry up!" Jenson called before glaring over at the pair of us

There is only so many times Jenson will be able to be there to save the day.. Sooner or later he won't even be able to save me 

With Wyatt distracted, I snuck out the front door completely neglecting the idea of a jacket and instantly regretting it the moment that my arms were met with the cold air 
"Why is our favourite girl pouting" Tyler teased making the boys chuckle as I got into the car
"I forgot a jacket" I sighed making Liam roll his eyes
"Chase, pass Mollie the hoodie in the boot" He said making me look at him confused
"That isn't what I was trying-" I started before Liam took a hold of my hand silencing me instantly 
"Here you go kiddo" Chase smiled throwing me the hoodie, it was a Maddison High hoodie the ones I know are only given to the sporty people
If anyone from Manor high were to see me in this, it would be World War 3. But personally, I don't think I would want to be in anything else right now


 Everyone was off doing their own thing at the bonfire, Liam and I had found a quieter area just off from everyone else. We could see them clearly, hear them barely but were still close enough to feel the warmth of the fire 
"So" Liam said making me chuckle
"So" I answered looking over at him, he smiled moving a little closer to me
"Can we talk?" he asked making me raise a brow at him
"I don't know where you've been but I'm pretty sure that this right here" I motioned between the two of us
"Is us talking Hotshot" I said making him roll his eyes poking at my sides to make me laugh 

"I know that I said I wouldn't push Molls but what is this situation with Wyatt. I can't stand the idea of him hurting you" He said making me look at him 

I've always known since Liam came back into my life that he would practically do anything if it meant that I was safe, that I was happy and that I wasn't being hurt
I've known that he's prepared for anything to happen 
But I don't think I can subject him to this. It'll change anything 
Telling him leads me to realising it actually happened
Telling him makes this real

"Liam I can't" I whispered but he shook his hand taking his hands in mine rubbing them softly
"It's just you and me here sunshine. Just you and me" He whispered back 
"This will chang-" I started
"This will change nothing" He reminded me 

I want to believe him.. I really do
But I can't. Liam can protect me when I'm with him but he won't be in that house with me, in that school with me. He won't be there every time I have to see Wyatt
He can do his best to be there but I cannot ask this of him

"Hey, come back to me sunshine" Liam whispered cupping my cheek making me zone back into him 
"Liam, I can't do this to you" I said
"I know what you'll do. You'll fixate on it, you'll want to fix it but I've learnt the hard way that there is no fixing this" I warned him but Liam vigorously shook his head stroking my cheek
"I don't care how long I have to try to fix this Molls, I will. You're prolonging the inevitable, let me in, let me help you" He pleaded

"What good will it do Liam!" I snapped, I didn't mean to. God I really didn't mean to
I turned my head to the left to see a few people at the bonfire looking our way making me close my eyes before shaking my head running again

Way to go Mollie. Running from your problems yet again

I really didn't know where I was going, this wasn't really a Manor student place to hang out. This was Maddison high's roads and I knew that nothing about the area

"Now look what we have here" A voice said making me turn around to see Niall sat a couple feet away with a bottle of what I'm going to guess isn't apple juice in his hand
"Would you happen to know how to get to the bus?" I asked but he scoffed
"Why would I help you Harper" He snarled getting up to walk away only after watching him walk towards the bonfire did I realise that Liam was heading in this direction
I couldn't do this right now 

"Mollie wait!" He called running after me, If I stop now there is no going back. He'll pull me in like he always does

"Molls please" He pleaded finally reaching out to me grabbing my gently stopping me from storming away
"Talk to me okay? You're not doing anything to me" He reminded me
"I just need to know what he did, I need to know if this feeling of wanting to kill him is justified" He asked
"It is" I whispered
"What did he do Sunshine" He whispered cupping my cheek
"Liam" I whispered closing my eyes

I couldn't do this, I couldn't tell him 
I can't 

But the moment I opened my eyes meeting his, I was gone. I'd lost whatever this resistance was..

"He raped me Liam.." I whispered watching his eyes instantly darken 

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