(P)Syndicate/Dream Team x Reader

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Dsmp -


Manhunt idea but merged with the smp and it being a game more then anything, but they treat it as genuine training for each other, so parts are taken somewhat seriously in case scenarios like that actually happened.

Y/n being hunted along with Dream. They get injured and can't walk that well. When mining, the hunters find them and hunt them down.(obviously)

Y/n at the time is trying to heal and is cooking food when they do, Dream tries protecting them but has to leave or he himself would die. Y/n screams for his help but soon gives in.

Y/n couldn't be taken with them as they would risk slowing them down. Time Skip and Y/n's still in the cave, what started as a fun little game turned into hell. Y/n was trapped and had no food.

Months pass and they finally get out, finally being healed enough to do so.(they broke it hella bad and had no access to Potions and often got into fights with mobs which often re injured their leg)

A 'kind fellow' helped them. It'd be a fabrication of ghostbur, an old friend of theirs who'd make them remember old survival instincts that they'd forgotten. They escape and find the smp again. There would be no one there and instead is just nothing but a hole, over everything.

Y/n panics and goes to the only place they can think of. They find Techno's, Phil's and Ranboo's house. They panic when a person's there. They hide behind a rock, watching them. It's Sapnap and George, seemingly discussing something. It's like their under a hold, more powerful then the egg. Possibly More bloodthirsty.

Once they'd left Y/n ran over to the lair in a panic, tripping once or twice. They went down this elevator type thing and got taken to the syndicate room, most everyone from the syndicate watching them.

The Syndicate at first are panicked but by inspection they know they're not under control. They welcome Y/n and question how they looked shit and more importantly, where they'd been and how they didn't know what happened on the surface. It ends on a cliffhanger of Y/n seeing a whole underground city and a set of armour that used to belong to them

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