(P)Tommy x Reader

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(Y/n and Tommy are siblings)

Tommy dies, Y/n, in grief goes to his grave which Y/n chose to put in a nearby flower field. They brought Tommy's favourite flower and talks to him, something like 'remember this Tom? It was your favourite flower... I still remember that time you tried to convince me otherwise when I caught you watering them' and then it goes into a flashback, it happens with different things every few weeks.

Y/n, one week finds his grave graffitied with hate, they clean it off the next week and tells Tom how they're gonna fix it. They pat on the grave to signify like Patting his head. They finds the culprit and threatens them. Y/n gets stuck and risks dying but Tommy appears before them as a bird hybrid and deflects the persons blow. Y/n runs and visits tom's grave more, no longer crying but happy, knowing he's still there.

One day, while their in the field dreamXD appears and tells them about how Tom shouldn't have been there and that they need to forget. Y/n tries reasoning and after a while looses the argument. Over the next weeks it's like they forgot Tommy's existence completely.

Tubbo gets annoyed with them and they don't understand why. When they try sleeping that night they find a Raccoon Tommy in their bed. They get confused and ask who he is, he scurries out the window and Y/n doesn't see him for a while.

In the end Foolish convinced XD to break the curse and let Tom visit after seeing how it ruined Tubbo and Y/n's relationship

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