Karl x Reader

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Dsmp -

philza Minecraft is surprisingly good at making lore out of nothing. Example, he was looking through the underground cities (where the wardens are and shit) and started making lore around the wardens. He said how an entire, peaceful city could've lived there, a science experiment went wrong and they all died, the plants and corruption spread by their corpses etc etc... so... my idea.


What of Y/n, led someone down there and got intrigued by it, they wrote it down and a few weeks later Karl came round, the person Y/n was travelling with hadn't been seen in weeks at this point. Karl, while Y/n was distracted, found the book. It triggered a tales episode and he was mortified. Y/n had a child, who was a ruler of the smp, they talk of Y/n as if a great ruler, them and someone else, who's a mystery to Karl. He snaps out and it'll probably be a cliffhanger, ending with Karl zoning back in and Y/n going 'what are you doing.' And the book like being closed, but in his mind the book sounding really loud

(Also, part 2 would be fuckin death basically. Y/n experimenting and making their own wardens around the server, leading to Karl teaming up with them somewhat against his will, blinded by his love for Y/n, them becoming that person he didn't recognise)

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